3/2/2025 today from hiiraan online : Ex-Puntland election chief: Deni allowed ISIS to strengthen ...


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    biyo-kulule @ 6/23/2009 4:40 PM EST
It is good to implement Allah's Sharia but the question is who fullfills , is it one separete group impose sharia  , ?
who gave them the mandate to carry out.?
are they Islamic kalifate that are chosen by Ehlul-xal wal-caqd?
or have they been successors of a former kalif?
or have they coquered the country  by military coup and silenced oppostions?
all that is now.

i can say and know that all islamic schollars from all over the world are generally agreed each other that Alshabab lacks legetimacy for carrying out such jurisdiction.

waa in aad ogaataa in axkaamta badankeedu bilaabantay 13 sano markii waxyigu ku soo degayay Nebiga CSW oo ahayd muddadii uu joogay Madinah al-munawwarah
    abdiaziz2007 @ 6/23/2009 12:33 PM EST
 Alshabab do know nothing about Amnesty ..This is the new leaders of somalia finally...welcome cut of everyones hand and let somalia be the capital of amputies.
    hymohamed2004 @ 6/23/2009 9:35 AM EST
 Sharia Law is prevailing in Somalia and all qaadacul-dariiqiin should be dealt with.  The sooner we are free from thieves, thugs, rocketeers, traitors, and apostates the better.  May Allah's help be with those Somalis who are doing the best they can Islamically in the most difficult circumstances, amen.
    nomadic1 @ 6/23/2009 8:59 AM EST
 The should save this man photo and cut head off at the earliest opportunity.
What a show off!!!!
    fiqicigaal @ 6/23/2009 6:55 AM EST
 Look at that big thug hold up the hand of a frightened young man. What a barbaric and inhumane way to boast cruelty.

" Cruelty, like every other vice, requires no motive outside of itself, it only requires opportunity", George Eliot

Alshabaab got that opportunity when they led us to believe that they were only defending islam.

Nonsense. We have been taken for a long free ride by bandits who will not spare an old fragile lady, a child or a pregnant women.
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