3/27/2025 today from hiiraan online : Outrage in Somalia after missing 8-year-old girl found with ...


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    Arraweelo10 @ 6/1/2008 4:05 PM EST
 I don't buy this story, unless he confirms his capture and release. It seems publicity stun and alshabab's eagerness to be attention seekers.
    laylasamatar @ 5/31/2008 8:28 PM EST
 i am really surprised that some of you are taken aback by these new revelation.  Don't tell me you beleived these ICU thugs??
    abdullahmuslim1 @ 5/31/2008 9:01 AM EST
 simbe you still confusion because you dont know much about alshabaab or ICU
one question for you who did they even captured and killed?
and i though my brother mustafa remind you about the history of our beloved shiekhs
they are not there to kill but to united our people by one word which is ISLAM

and tribe minded, shorty minded individuals all i can tell you is your decease(tribe) had no cure
    diinow @ 5/31/2008 5:54 AM EST
 Maybe it is time he joins his colleagues in Asmara and call himself Sheikh Caato. He would be welcomed by Sheikh Caydiid, Sheikh Indhacadde, Sheikh Cirfo, Sheikh Seeraar, Sheikh Goobaale among others. Looooooool we are not short of sheikhs
    almansoor @ 5/31/2008 4:15 AM EST
 to mustafa-ii
bro mustaf tell me what reward to give, you really told these groups the truth this man called sigma-soma and and naagta uu daba dhilifka uyahay ee arawelo uu dhahaaayey hadda waa xilligii la support gareen lahaay arawelo.
an al-itahad leader called sheikh hassan dahir aweys captured the big warlord Abdullahi yusuf and later released, was he hawiyo or at that time he had had the identity of hawiye, what rubbish people are here.
learn the past history to know what is going on now.
Ato was detained in badio town and ordered to go no where, but now he thanks the almighty who taken there and driven to his homeland mogadishu, now he took some lessons from the amxaaro and dabadhilifyaasha halkaa ku sugan and never back to there.
when he was released, he signed that he would resign form the parliament and would not work there.
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