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    xumoow @ 10/2/2007 2:53 PM EST
 What destoryed Somalia is "His grand fathar" notion. Leading a coup is nor necessarily a good thing and something to be proud of. I admire the yourng man but, lets be frank, he is there to undermine Dr. Kassim's effort and divide the Somali community.
    sanaagian. @ 10/1/2007 10:08 PM EST
 Let him follow the footsteps of his grandfather, General Jama Ali Korshell, who led a
coup de tat along with M. Said Bare after the Abdirashid was assasinated.
With honesty and strong foundation, the young Jama can reach a higher level.
The next generation of Somalis will be free from the ills that retard our societal

I wish him the best of luck.
    Arraweelo10 @ 10/1/2007 12:28 PM EST
 Xumoow, your name summarizes everything, you can't even be happy for this young fella. Yourself, what do you have to offer to our community, other than Jealousy.
    xumoow @ 10/1/2007 11:20 AM EST
 Jama should be in school. Let us be frank: what does he bring to the table?

Stop playing the dirty Somali politics. This is to lure votes away from another brother who is a doctor (PHD.

Get some education and experience first before they throw you into the limelight. Brother don't make a fool of yourself
    Arraweelo10 @ 10/1/2007 11:12 AM EST
 Kudos to Jama and good luck.
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