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    Abdi mashkuur @ 11/3/2019 1:56 PM EST
 Here we go!  Where are the doomsters?

Any progress is like a stick for them because they can not stand when they see this country standing up on its own feet. The honourable minister charted the way to insert the country back in to the international financial system, and everyone commended his success in an unprecedented quick and simple route which no doubt many countries would emulate in the future.

BIS and swift system is already working in line with the expectations, and fully integrated clear budgetary advances are making the government transparent in its dealings with other parties.

We applud the government and bat on the should for a well done job.

Next stop, make Mogadishu the world investment destination by introducing the long awaited financial laws and plats withing which all desputes will be resolved.

One GIANT step at a time.

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