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    Somali_Sax_ah @ 2/20/2019 12:06 PM EST
 Intii hadda baratay ee uu ku cusub yahay Culusow waxaan idiin sheegayaa in aan muddo dheer aqiin Cuslow ilaa dawladdii Somaliyeed ee dhexe ilaa maanta. Mudane Culusow 30kii sanno ee Dawladda maqneyd isugana waa xanuusanayey, ee wixiisa waxba ha ka soo qaadinna!!!!!!!!!!!
    Abdi mashkuur @ 2/8/2019 10:19 AM EST

Welcome back my dear brother from the long self imposed exile. A year is a long time in this game.

Gyrating world and misfortunate people but some have their hearts in the right places.
    Abdi mashkuur @ 2/8/2019 10:09 AM EST

Thank you and even me My Abooto Kutubeey surprises me time and time again.!
She doesn't mince her words and is always crystal clear from right and wrong.
    Somalipeople1 @ 2/8/2019 8:27 AM EST
 Somalia is heading to the right direction. We have never had such a good president and prime minister.
I hope inshallah farmaajo and kheyre last for 8 years and whipe out the foreign made qabiil federalism and establish a strong
united anti qabiil government. Culusow is always negative and thinks being negative is being intellectual. But its not true put your own emotiona aside.
The government is paying their employees. They are fighting corruption and the international partners are trusting Somalia for the first time. We are achieving things we have never achieved.
And this is just the start. Inshallah khayr!
    secular @ 2/7/2019 7:04 PM EST
You have been off-air for sometime and from your angry paragraph, I surmise that you have been in a Farmajo/Khayre dungeon!
Welcome back!
    Topclan @ 2/7/2019 6:57 PM EST
 I have read the article and will do so another time.

However, Fiqijin, Framaajo is a sell out. If there is one think I have learnt in the last years is that this man would sell his own grandmother. He has made a faustian pact with Ethiopia and we will see how far it takes him.

    secular @ 2/5/2019 8:58 PM EST
Grandma Kutubey Ulusso & Co.
Hats off to this great lady!
    secular @ 2/5/2019 8:27 PM EST
 He failed to unite the nominal three regions constituting his state!
Much talk, no action.
    secular @ 2/5/2019 8:24 PM EST
Forgive me if I forgot Mr Madoobe.
A raw camel-man militia* commander and charcoal dealer, still fond of fatigue uniform,
but who can't even push AS beyond ten miles from his Kismayo fortress.
    fiqijin @ 2/5/2019 3:27 PM EST

You know the opposition to Farmajo\Khayre government is wholy illegitimate
by their resort to misiformation, smear, habaar & xanjo xanjo ku dhoob!

Instead of being a loyal opposition, for the sake of country and people, by giving
credit where credit is due and by sound criticism based on facts when necessary, they
want time and again to bismerge the government!

I would be the first to say " this government is not perfect," that it made mistakes, but
by the same token it is the best government Somalia has seen in a generation! Its acheivements
far outweight its mistakes!

This opposition is out of touch with Somali people. They were crying for the ousted UN Special Rep.,
bu the Somali people cheered and welcomed that government decision!

They called Farmajo's success in shutting down Ethiopia's interference in Somalia as, get this, a sellout!
This opposition is "Qarran Dumis" by different methods. Uluso is doing "Qarran Dumis" here by keyboard!

    secular @ 2/5/2019 2:36 PM EST
 He writes this:
"There is also unconfirmed information that the FG intends to support Sanag and Sol population to revolt against Somaliland".
Duf ku bax!!!
    secular @ 2/5/2019 1:26 PM EST
 Clueless !
He is parroting what other sore losers like him are telling to a public that's already weary of the wobbling steps of a weak government.
Shame on you!
He listed past regional leadership changes and other that may follow suit.
Well, Ossoble was installed by HSM against the will of the Hirshabelle people; Sharif Sakin & Jawari were corrupt and opportunist creatures;
Gas was booted out of power and no honest soul over there is mourning his timely departure; Xaaf involved himself into a murky situation in an
environment polluted by tribal rifts and by armed and chanting sufis apparently high on some psychedelic leaves!
And Robow, Robow the mass murderer? How on earth dare he vouch for this criminal is beyond my comprehension !
The prolific writings of this person demeans the role of any self-respecting reasonable opposition and I wonder "What is his ultimate goal?"!
I don't know if this current government will take us to the "Promised Land", but it's all we have now and the ragtag opposition should hold their horses and
wait for the next election date.
    Abdi mashkuur @ 2/5/2019 11:44 AM EST
 Come on Dr Ulusso.

I have been translating this article and others for my 69 year old grandmother who always has something to say about the current affairs. At first she listened with intent and then suddenly said whoever the writer is a cheap talker who probably scribble out of boredom in his market stall, then I said Abooto, this a well educated professor with a the highest university qualification, then she replied: my son, if you load valuable knowledge on a shelf, it will never understand its true meaning.

I wouldn't go as far as that, but it is clear due to continuous output of articles, the professor has lost the quality control and came up with a pure market stall talk.

Mistake made yes, progress made yes, are we better of a BIG YES.

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