Why is President Farmaajo Winning the Election?

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    Somalipeace10 @ 3/21/2022 4:58 AM EST
 It is obvious to everyone that Farmaajo will not will the upcoming election. ONly his clan members believe that and his foreign backers. Farmaajo brought Somalia to the brink of civil war. If he is reelected there will be a civil war and the country will be fragmented.
    Somalipeace10 @ 3/21/2022 4:53 AM EST
 It is obvious that Abdisalam Garjeex is motivated by the clan relations with Farmaajo and his statements are worthless. He tells us that Farmaajo will win the upcoming election because the Somali people love him. That is far from the truth. Farmaajo divided Somalia and tried to be a dictator and everyone wants to see his back as soon as possible. He claims that the government fought corruption but there is evidence that it is the most corrupted one after 1990. It is the first government after 1990 that did not close four budgets. The last budget they submitted to the parliament was 2019 and it was clear 42 million US Dollars was unaccounted for. Second Garjeex claims that Farmaajo built army, but that is not true and delusional. When Farmaajo came to power MPs usedto travel to Jowhar, 90 km from Mogadishu, and now Alshabab control that route.
Somalia is in a worse situation now than it was in 2016. Let us see what Abdisalam Garjeex wrote in December 2016. He wrote "It’s miserable to see that one’s country is headed to the final stages of its demise and its inhabitants to an obscure existence. It’s a vision that awakens me from my sleep and made even more    
    somalipeople1 @ 3/19/2022 4:01 PM EST
 Inshallah Farmaajo will win. He has the support of the people.
No qabiilfederalism, No curruption, No working as spies for foreign agents! Somalia Guul!

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