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    Stickorcarrot @ 9/5/2009 9:08 PM EST

What part of the article is "sickening"?

Somali waa qaxaysaa run waaye, Ethosna waa badalayaan.
Beri marka la gaarana wadanka iyagaa u haraya,taas maa
ka murugaysantahay abaayo? Mise Soomaalida dhimanaysa
aad ka naxsantahay? Mise Sawirka dhan?

Soomaali xaalkeeda oo dhan baa jiro kugu ridaya

Allow xaal astur....maxaad ku talin lahayd?
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/5/2009 9:03 PM EST
 correction: "at our door"
    lilisamatar @ 9/5/2009 9:01 PM EST
 this is sickining pls see lead:
    Stickorcarrot @ 9/5/2009 9:00 PM EST

It is true there is no aid to African people from Western
world. The so called aid to Africa is indeed a handout to
Westerners in African name. There portrayal of Africa in the
Western world is tantamount to simple racism. However, the
blame lies at out doors. In the defense of ourselves from
these lies, let's not ignore our failures. We don't need to
put the blame on others when we -the Africans- are enforcing
those stereotypes. We are living in a word of "individualism"
when the surrounding territories are being occupied by a
powerful nations. The road to recovery is testy and long,
but it must start, and some people must stand up for the
    Abdi_2008 @ 9/5/2009 7:15 PM EST
 Reasons why the Western governments want to keep Africa and particularly Somalia in a choatic stage is simple.


"Imagine any part of the globe not being dominated by a central government and the people there surviving, even prospering. If such were to happen and the idea spread to other parts of Africa or other parts of the world, the mystique of the necessity of the state might be irreparably damaged, and many politicians and bureaucrats might find themselves walking about looking for work."


The Somali XEER SYSTEM is a threat to their MONOPOLY (interest/loan) SYSTEM. This is what most people specially Somalis failed to understand. The Warlords who are backed by centralized government around the world use qabil inorder to promote this agenda for personal gains. They could careless about their their people or even their own clan. WAKE UP and stop being a pawn on a chess board.
    wadajir #5 @ 9/4/2009 2:49 PM EST
 I didn't know only one percent of Western aid goes to Africa.
However I do not believe Somalia's failures are due entirely to Western world. Somalis should own their failure of their country. Somalis should fight envy, be patient and tolerant, have respect for human life. Somalis should have a plan before they go to war on what their vision will be. Somalis should think about the complex out come of war before they shoot. Somalis should pursue other ways of achieving their goals and dreams without killings.  

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