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    topclan @ 8/26/2017 6:48 PM EST
 Guled Osman

In theory, a few thousand badly armed militia shouldn't be big problem but the problem in Somalia is much bigger than that.

"The white man" only represents a tiny part of the solution, but ultimately it is upto Somalis do define their future.

Do you know why foreign troops are in Somalia? It's because Somalis have failed to keep their house in order.

But that isn't the case. The US is supporting Somalia, but the big fight and the heavy stuff has to be b done by Somali forces.

The central policy of the Farmaajo government is to rebuild Somali forces so that they can take over from AMISOM in the fight against Al-Shabaab.

Our problems have existed before and are bigger than Al-Shabaab, but they are currently the biggest obstacle in front of the Somali government.

Believing the US is our enemy is another indication of why Somalis have to get to grips with their troubles.

The truth of the matter is that poured a lot resources into Somalia. I see the US as Somalia's second biggest strategic partner after Turkey. The US (and the EU too) has actually poured more resources into Somalia than Turkey, but the latter has better engagement in Somalia and therefore is a more reliable partner.
    topclan @ 8/26/2017 4:24 PM EST
 Guled Osman

Why do you come on here and condemn US airstrikes when an unfortunate but very rare error like this happens?

You do know that many Somalis die because of attacks by Al-Shabaab and anti-peace elements? Somalis are killed every single day by other Somali and you think that's acceptable?

The Somali government, like some Somali people, knows who its enemy is. Here's a hint: It isn't the US.

Stop the false outrage. There's nothing here except an unfortunate error that was intended to kill Somalia's biggest enemy.

There are a lot of Al-Shabaab and anti-peace elements sympathisers who will use this opportunity to attack the government and its partner like the US who are working hard to restore peace and security in Somalia for Millions of people.

We have hope at last and we are not going to allow you destabilise us.
    topclan @ 8/26/2017 4:01 PM EST
 The light is shining on Habar Gidir.

For many years other Hawiye clans have been trying to protect you and hide your shame.

Well, no more. From now on you are on your own.

Why did these farmers have weapons and why did they fire at Somali forces?

Come to think of it, how did Habar Gidir get Farm land in Lower Shabelle?

Does the farm really belong to them or are they just occupying it?

Somalis all know that Habar Gidir is the craziest clan in Somalia.

Sometimes you have to admire their bravery and audacity.

But enough is enough! We are tired of the lawless and injustice.

Law and order has returned and it's high time that properties were returned to their rightful owners.

We are fighting Al-Shabaab but there are other groups who reject peace and at the moment the light is shining on Habar Gidir.
    Rasimaal @ 8/26/2017 3:16 PM EST
 Xidid, HG waa walaalaheen cid xumaan u geeysan kartaa maleh laakin haddii xaq darro ay sameeyaan waa usheegaa haddii aniga aan usheegi waayo yaa usheegaayo? Illaahow HG la'aanted adiga ayaan kaa magan galnay .
    Xidid @ 8/26/2017 10:12 AM EST
1- Maanta 10 qof oo Soomaali ah ayaa laxasuuqay... soo kuma haboona inaad inyar horay uga sikato fikirkan kukooban beeleysiga?!

2- HG waa jilib hoosaad katirsan midkamid ah lafaha beelaha Soomaaliyeed. Haddii eey gaboodfal wadaan waa laiska celinayaa oo cidna kama itaal darna, haddii laga gardaranyahayna waa eey dagaallamayaan oo ciddaas hogasho laguma aqoon.

3- Qowmiyado isdiidan ayaa dunidan laisku kabayaa iyagoo weliba xasuuq kumanaan ah isu geystay oo naf iyo maalba iska boobay. Anaguna jufooyin iyo goboleysi ayaan kadhamaan la'nahay ilaa dhulkeennii laboobay oo qaruumo aanan af garaneyn min xeeb ilaa xeeb calooshood ushaqeystayaal usaxiixayaan.

Allow sahal umuuraha
    Rasimaal @ 8/26/2017 8:59 AM EST
 Maxaaigagalay /tallman, habargidir iyo bariire maxaa iska galay mise weli  meesha waxaa malafsanayo mooriyaanti magaca hawiye kuxaartay? Adeerow illaahi ka yaabo dadka beeralayda dhulkooda u daaya.
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 8/26/2017 3:06 AM EST
 Everybody is armed including street hawkers, so they can't blame ppl for shooting at armed men wanting to enter into a farm.
Also, USA should not complain when Somalis take revenge inside USA.
    maxaaigagalay @ 8/26/2017 2:35 AM EST
 Let the US admit mistake, apologize, pay ‘dia’ (blood money)
and move on.

When it comes to the Habar Gidir, The Daarood, Murusade, etc.
have an axe to grind.

They were badly whipped by the Hawiye clan. They are too
weak to seek revenge by themselves.

That is why they would like to have America to fight the
Hawiye/Habar Gidir on their behalf.

But the US doesn’t want to get entangled in Somali clan

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