U.S Senator warns of ‘risk of bloodshed’ in Somalia over electoral deadlock

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    secular @ 2/10/2021 9:01 PM EST
 Of all people, I wouldn't take democracy  lessons from a US senator or congressman !
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 2/10/2021 2:59 PM EST
 Hallo hallo, I m Marehan chief and I am still the president of Adoon Hutus and eelaays. Wazz popping y'all?
Calm down n let me sit in Villa Wardhiigley until my Marehan tribe's numbers reach enough to get me voted since nobody is interested in Marehan. Let us make babies in peace.
    amina_samajecel @ 2/10/2021 12:27 PM EST
 Farmajo is obsessed to remain in power and
doesn't care about the country. Trump and Farmajo
have the same mentor and they both failed their citizens.

Somalia does not have strong institutions that is why
we need the support of our International partners to help
Somalia to stand on its feet.

My appeal to the Somali elders and politicians is to wake up
and rescue the Country. We have to act quickly without wasting
precious time.

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