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    fiqicigaal @ 5/20/2013 3:32 AM EST

A truely outstanding comment!
    halyeeysomali @ 5/19/2013 6:01 AM EST
 You cannot imagine the mood of the people in the streets, office, homes of Mogadishu. They look doomed and their hope to derail Jubbaland Conference got shattered. The elderly, young, so-called intelectuals are all crying that an imminent disaster is looming over them. There talk, story and discussion is all about Kismaayo and how the peace-loving comopolitan community of Jubbaland finaly elected their president followed the parliamentary member of this State. The Mogadishu thugs are calling for war and day-dream of Jubbaland reality to become an illusion. Personaly, I am not surprised when one has fears. fear is a human factor that everyone does when he sees or assumes something very bad will happen to him/her. The bottom of Mogadishu fear is all about Darood in the North and Darood in the South. My final say to this people is Jubbaland is a cosmopolitan State that will does not have any ill-motives towards any clan or region in Somalia. Let us welcome the offspring of a true democracy in Somalia.
    baghdad bob @ 5/18/2013 6:34 PM EST

Its the irony of the situation and a clear manifestation of the depth of social depr@vity and suspicion we sunk into that we don't find foreign armies and nations with ulterior motives as an existential threat but rather our government, our capital city and our president!  
    nomadic1 @ 5/18/2013 4:48 AM EST
 Hassan Sheikh and his interior minister are clanists to the core. They are driven by nothing but their respective clan interests. As for the dummy prime minister, he is nothing more than a dumb puppet.
    nomadic1 @ 5/18/2013 4:43 AM EST

The days of clan domination are gone forever.
I personally don’t believe in domination of any kind. The Marehans shouldn’t worry about the possibility of being dominated by the Ogaden nor should they try to dominate the Ogaden or anyone for that matter. Our aim and objective is to be part of a peaceful and prosperous region where the freedom and the will of all its inhabitants, regardless of their clan, is respected.  

The only domination we are worried about is Mogadishu which presents direct threat to our existence. The current government and its base, those who call Mogadishu home, are against the very existence of the people of these regions including the Marehans. They are not rooting for Hiiraale and the Mareehans out of love but for self-interest.

Hassan Sheikh and his supporters dread the possibility of economically powerful Jubbaland admin. As others mentioned on those threat, they want to use the Marehans as an alliance of convenience to rival the Ogadens even though they consider both an enemy.
    baghdad bob @ 5/17/2013 11:31 PM EST

As a mareexaan you must be happy and elated that for once the threat from the ogadens and their subsequent domination of gedo is confronted! mareexaans were sitting on the sideline all along hoping and dreaming of their day when jubba is to fall back under their control. The odgadens led by madobe knew this and hence why he put all his trust in the hands of igad to circumvent any interference by the somali government led by a marexaan. This put madobe and his cohorts in a difficult situation, on one hand he wants to rule a region in somalia and on the other he wants to avoid the somali government and to a larger extent the marexaan of which are the only somali clan in the region with the ability and military power to rule jubba. The cunning marexaans knew of this and they let madobe have enough of a rope to hang himself and hence why hiiraale made his move at the most opportune time and declared himself as the sole defender of somaliweyn!      
    nomadic1 @ 5/17/2013 5:16 PM EST

Can you please explain what you mean by “a hostile regional admin”? Can you explain why the formation of this regional admin received such hostility and rejection from the government?
Do you think the FG will accept the formation of friendly (less hostile) Jubbaland?

Btw, Streatham was in celebratory mood last night. I was treated to free muufo and macsaro thanks to Hiiraale’s timely reappearance.
    diinow @ 5/17/2013 4:58 PM EST
 I would not blame the Hawiye for opposing the formation of a hostile regional admin and the reneawl of the  pre-maxkamadaha alliance with Hirale seems a plausible political tactic to thwart such an endavour. Given the strong Alshab and AMISOM pressence in the area, Madobe and Hirale would not fight; they would come to the negotiating table and, hopefully, form a less hostile, more inclussive Jubbaland..
On Saacid, I think we should compromise that he is our prime minister and we should respect him personaly, but critisise his policies if we do disagree.

unfortunately the Somali politics is a lil different.. Btw, the Hawiye and Marehan are the political base of the Federal government whereas Faroole and Madobe's key demographic is non-Marehan Daarood. Btw, nobody delared war; it is a just dangerous politiking.
    nomadic1 @ 5/17/2013 4:58 PM EST

Nice to see you again mate.
Diinow and B.B, like most Hawiye folks, are fiercely against the formation of Jubbaland so as to dominate the people of these regions. They don’t want others to have alternative viable land to live on so they want everyone to depend on Mogadishu which they consider to be their own.
    Stickorcarrot @ 5/17/2013 4:23 PM EST

You are asking B.B the wrong question. Don't ask him
about Hawiye. He is only worried about Abgaal people.
To him, Muqdisho belongs to Abgaal and all others are
from middle Somalia therefore they're nothing but squatters.
This is just momentary feeling of loneliness!
I have seen his selective patriotism long enough. And
this is just cry 4 Gaashaanbuur because he feels his uncle is
in danger!


I thought politics had opponents but not enemies. Since
when Puntland declared war on Mareexaan? Hawiye?
    nomadic1 @ 5/17/2013 3:44 PM EST

Can you clarify how “puntland-backed Madobe” can be an enemy to Hawiye and Hiiraale? Can you also clarity how this newly found Hawiye-Hiiraale alliance can thwart the formation of Jubbaland without turning one clan against another.

Regarding my comment on the PM, how about if we meet half way and accept that he was “a career business during the day” and “career chat chewer at night”. I am prepared to accept this compromise even though I am pretty sure he spent more time chewing chat than doing business.
    diinow @ 5/17/2013 3:06 PM EST
I assume the Hawiye-Hirale allience is based on political convinience given their common enemy - the Puntland-backed Madobe. I would like to think that there is no sinister agenda of setting the Mareehan against the Ogaden and I certainly hope and pray it doesnt come to that. Mind you,  it is the obligation of the Federal government to prevent such scenario; not to encourage it. Btw, I found your scathing character assassination our prime minister a little distasteful. The man is a career businessman; not a "career chat chewer".  
    nomadic1 @ 5/17/2013 1:43 PM EST
Two opposing factions and two presidents is what certain quarters always wanted to see in those regions.

Please enlighten us on this sudden fixation with Hiiraale by Hawiye. Lol
Every H I have seen so far or watched on telly, both in the diaspora and back home, is rooting for Hiiraale for the sole reason of muddying the water for the people of these regions. Hawiye people want stability, peace and prosperity in those areas they consider their own, including the capital, but don’t want the same for their fellow Somalis.
    kucadaye @ 5/17/2013 12:43 PM EST
 baghdad bob
Baghdad & Bob. What a combination? Is this your Xabash Basaas code name?

Bob, I am talking about why Prez Hassan can not play the role of a neutral Peace maker between the two or three or four parties in contention in Jubaland?
What this has to do with taxes? Ma wixii lagu soo faray baa oo la yiri siku dirr Soomaali?
    baghdad bob @ 5/17/2013 10:14 AM EST

Jubbaland has two presidents! its democracy at its best and the choice is yours lol
    Diyar farah @ 5/17/2013 10:12 AM EST
 Fairness is in the grave, greediness is the code, mistrust is the vission, fear is the  base, distruction is the result,
    sonofsomalia @ 5/17/2013 9:55 AM EST
 Breath nomadic1, all this hatred and anger is going to cause you high blood pressure.
    nomadic1 @ 5/17/2013 5:06 AM EST
 We know who is against the creation of Jubbaland and why? Greedy fatties fueled by ill-gotten land and properties who want keep the centre juicy bits unto themselves but want to dominate the “periphery”.

All over sudden, people who act and consider the capital and its environs as their own, people who have no business in Jubbaland, people who want to see the capital in peace and prosperity, are drooling over the prospect of seeing these regions mired in mayhem.  
    nomadic1 @ 5/17/2013 4:38 AM EST
 The “Federal Government” has done everything in its power to try to derail the Jubbaland process by putting on more ill-fitting hats and make up than a clumsy clown. So far, they have thrown in the nationalist card, the scaremongering card and the clan card to no avail.

Now it seems they have unleashed their latest trick in the form of Barre Hiiraale as an instrument to undermine the Jubbaland process.  The clowns in the capital, the former NGO chairman, the career chat chewer and the uneducated former employee of “black cat securicor”, the interior minister, have disgraced themselves and their positions by not only abiding by the constitution that brought them to power but by also employing dirty and dangerous tactics to achieve their hideous objectives.
The “Federal Government” is stirring clan animosity between two of the main clans in the region. This latest plot of dusting off and old and redundant war lord (Hiiraale) to face off the new warlord in the block (Madoobe), is tantamount to an instigation of civil unrest and bloodshed.

The “Federal Government” has funded Barre Hiiraale with the sole motive and objective of destabilizing the region by turning communities against each other.

The President, the Prime Minister and the Interior Minister should be held accountable to any adverse effects that might arise from their ill-conceived actions.

If Kenyatta and Ruto can be summoned to be tried at the Hague for crimes against humanity by turning Kukuyos against Luos, so can Hassan and Saacid by turning Marehan against Ogaden.
    momo519 @ 5/17/2013 2:32 AM EST

                Barre Hiiraale waa Madaxweynaha xaqa ah ee Jubaland.            


                 Ahmed Madoobe can go back to Ethiopia or Kenya.

    baghdad bob @ 5/17/2013 1:30 AM EST

lol well, at least barre hiiraale is from the region and he is on the side of the somali nation. very smart move from him to ride on a wave of negative sentiments of all somalis regarding the blatant interference of kenya
    baghdad bob @ 5/17/2013 1:25 AM EST
 stop parroting senseless platitudes, we are not in 1991! The factors that made up those massacres are not present today. we don't have siyad barre on the run and neither do we have aideed nor his USC mooryaans. The government is trying its level best to avoid a repeat of such scenarios. madobe refused to adhere to the existing laws and regulations and here he is now face to face with the dreaded hiraale! and soon qeybdiid will show up in town too, a dear friend of hiirale  
    baghdad bob @ 5/17/2013 1:17 AM EST

you would like to get back to kismayu to collect the tax money right? gone are those days....
    kucadaye @ 5/16/2013 10:48 PM EST
 Is Hassan Sheikh a national President or Kabaa Qabiil (a clan Warlord)?
It is unbelievable instead of being a peace maker and facilitator of dialogue he is siding with a notorious Warlord who in the past caused death and destruction in Jubaland.
    Momo519 @ 5/16/2013 9:06 PM EST


                 C O N G R AT U L A T I O N S !

                        President Barre Hiraale!

    Sheikh @ 5/16/2013 8:43 PM EST
 Two warlords who don't care about people and land are trying to kill more people than ever
Please be aware. Their pockets are full of $
Their children are not even in Somalia.
    Syad_Xusen @ 5/16/2013 8:12 PM EST
OK it's like 1991 in Muqdisho all over again. Draw the line and let the battle commence!

Question is which one is Ali-Mahdi, which one's Aideed? Who's the daddy, who,s the ....? Who'll remain and who will be forgotten?  One thing is certain though Kismaayo will never going to be the same.

    baghdad bob @ 5/16/2013 7:31 PM EST
 The situation must get worse before it gets better, the stench that is madobe is bubbling up to the surface and soon it will evaporate into oblivion. mark my words madobe will die in the hands of the kenyan army once they discover his deception and out rightly misleading them in to a raging inferno. All occupation forces have one thing in common: they kill their lackeys if they don't flee at the end ask ina yeey    
    baghdad bob @ 5/16/2013 7:24 PM EST
 This is work in progress brothers and sisters. The warlords have been pushed out of muqadishu, they are either captured, killed, fled or surrendered. They have been tamed and it seems the nation will go through few more battles in order to overcome this little trouble. The likes of madobe, hiirale and qeybdiid are putting up their last stand to salvage what is left of their vast empire based on extortion.
    sonofsomalia @ 5/16/2013 7:01 PM EST
 Diyar, we have to stop this cynical vengeful thinking. We can spend the next 20 years settling score or rebuilding our nation.
    Diyar farah @ 5/16/2013 5:55 PM EST

Mahare, is 100% right bro, if there is a greedy he lives in Mogadishu, you know why? `cause since the collapse of the central gov, of somalia the international community have been bringing Aid on behalf of Somali population and you can`t deny that, that aid never reached afgooye niether anywhere else, that`s 22 years of looting, not to mention the political subnotage, everytime president is elected is been rejected by same people who fed the aid, does that make you nationalist(waddani), infact vice versa, i don`t mind if you guide us, what is not rigt is you don`t realize how difficult is to build the trust among us again, the issue is the trust,
    dhasheegduur @ 5/16/2013 5:15 PM EST
 This is Bad news for bandits and profiteers of anarchy
BAY Bakool and Marko are on the way, you know who your take to your children for the central region before is too late . kismaanyo is done deal Marka is the second I don’t condole  for violent but I can forecast what will happen in Marka, run un before the right owners get you or you be baked in live like what was happened in last week that area
    sonofsomalia @ 5/16/2013 4:52 PM EST

   I am glad you are Mogadishan, usually people are proud of their birthplace, but you seem to call another city home. Then you demeaned Somali patriotism and our beloved flag, now tell me what do you call a man who demeans his home city, nation and flag in sentence. Lets call a duck a duck.
    sonofsomalia @ 5/16/2013 4:51 PM EST

   I am glad you are Mogadishan, usually people are proud of their birthplace, but you seem to call another city home. Then you insulted Somali patriotism and our beloved flag, now tell what do you call a man who insults his home city, nation and flag in comment. Lets call a duck a duck.
    Erigavo @ 5/16/2013 4:33 PM EST
 To AFP's biased news reporting. Watch the Election. (Fire your Somali reporters).
    Erigavo @ 5/16/2013 4:33 PM EST
 To AFP's biased news reporting. (Fire your Somali reporters).
    Erigavo @ 5/16/2013 4:32 PM EST
 To AFP's biased news reporting. (Fire your Somali reporters).
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 5/16/2013 4:22 PM EST

kkkkkkkkkkkk You funny!!! Cloth me? Have you ever seen diirato building a house?
I have nothing against Mogadisho, I was born and rised in Mugadisho and xaashaa lilaah Muqdihso per se is nice place but I want give other Somali Cities what Mugadisho wants alone.
That is Me, Me, Me and anyone against me is traitor, non patriot and bla, bla, bla.
What I'm saying is F""ck Patriotism, he11 with flags and national songs. My interest is my city to get the same aportunity you want for Mugadisho.
Put everything divided equaly, can you do that? no you can't!!
I want each of the ten goverment ministers to sit one of the Somali cities, will you accept? No. Can you alow me to get my government close to my house? No you wouldn't!
I want you to have all I want but you can't do it. So who is greedy and unpatriotic? Me or You
    sonofsomalia @ 5/16/2013 4:05 PM EST

  Perhaps you have not been to Kililka, but there single Somali flag there, perhaps one or two Puntland and Jubbaland, but no Somali republic flag. So how is that a Somali territory. With respect to your paranoia about Mogadishu. The Capital is trying to feed, defend and cloth you, you ingrate immigrant.  
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 5/16/2013 3:29 PM EST

What foreign nation? You call Somalis in Kililka foreigners?.....

And for the record there is no balkanization. People are fed up with the greed of Mugadisho City.
It wants all the cake and we saying share it or loose it.. You call them patriots and we call them moryans.
    diinow @ 5/16/2013 3:19 PM EST
 Judging purely by their looks, Hiiraale looks more like "reer Kismayo". Historically, he once ruled the place which gives him more credibility.. But, neither of them has any legitimacy! For me, I would rather the devil I know, Hiraale, than the one I don't, Madobe.  
    sonofsomalia @ 5/16/2013 3:16 PM EST

So you are proud of Somali port servicing the needs of foreign nation. Somalia will soon be divided into two factions. Pick your choice.

1) Those who are patriotic and look to strong united Somalia

2) Those who diseased with clan hatred, paranoia and wish for weak balkanized Somalia.  
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 5/16/2013 3:07 PM EST
 Is anyone surprised that those led from Villa Somalia haven't changed attitude since 1990.
Check here and read their comments. "Waa baroomeeynaa", "Xabad ka soco maa" and "Car iyo Wir".

Never mind, have you head the first four ships loaded with Banana and PaPaya are expected at Boosaaso port and tracks ready to depart to Kililka are also rapported.
    somstar @ 5/16/2013 2:51 PM EST
 Sonofsomali you are right..it is foolish..how would his clan kins going to benefit from his so called Presidency?
    somstar @ 5/16/2013 2:36 PM EST
 What is happening in Kismanyu is shear stupitidy..it is not going to work the sooner we know that the better for everyone in particlar the warloads themselves
    sonofsomalia @ 5/16/2013 2:36 PM EST
 I am not surprised at Madobe or Hirale's announcement, they are after all greedy warlord, what suprises me is the support they are receiving from their kinsmen, for the sole purpose they are related. I pity the fool.
    sonofsomalia @ 5/16/2013 2:33 PM EST

  I have feeling YOU were paid by the kenyans to annex, but only if my feelings were reality.
    nuun @ 5/16/2013 2:18 PM EST
 In the Jubbaland process there was no room for government from the beginning. It was warlord driven process with clan support.
The government warned many times pointing out the obvious that we learned from 22 years. Warlord/clan driven process never worked before and it is not going to work now. Those of you who are endorsing one warlord over another are wrong.  None of these warlords are elected. One of them cut the communication lines, gathered his supporters in a room, brought Mus-haf for swearing and declared his "precedency".
The other one saw the sham that is going on and then did the same.
The government of Somalia has limited resources and choices. They cannot support  one of the warlords and they can only  beg them not to fight and let the process be governmental process and not warlord/clannish process.
    fiqicigaal @ 5/16/2013 1:53 PM EST
 Diyar farah,

Well said.

Folks, something is not right with the government, there is a big scam in Villa Somalia and Bare Hiiralle is here in Kismayo for one reason he was paid to turn clans against each other which will only incite hatred and animosity that may lead to bloodshed,

    Diyar farah @ 5/16/2013 1:27 PM EST
 Back in the days my elder brother used to talk about
The whichcraft that was used to practice in Kismaayo,
Actually that`s exactly what`s going on, when it comes
to Kismayo issue everybody is missing the point and mad,
sensative, and Onesided, but the reality is the gov, had
put this bloody seed on the soil and they`re still
irrigating it, all they should have done was come in,
wellcome the process and give them hand, correct the
wrong doings, fund it and the hearts and minds of the
Jubbalan population, instead they seem to be enemy number one,,
    Momo519 @ 5/16/2013 12:39 PM EST
Ahmed Madobe, cofounder of Alshabab, shares similar characteristics as Colonel Aweys, Colonel Abdulahi Yusuf, General Caydid & Faroole.

Can anyone guess what that characteristic may be???


    Mysomalia @ 5/16/2013 12:38 PM EST
 Surprise that a thug from Dhegaxbuur wants to rule Kismayo with the help of
Kenyan troops there. Wasnt this Madoobe guy one of Al-shabaab and what ties does he
have with the region apart from 2  TUULO where some of his OG people live? If Afmadow
and Dhoobley can give him 2 regions, the size of of Uganda than Xamar should be part of
Somaliland since every other house belong to IDOOR.

Jubba belongs to DADKA LAGA TIRO BADAN YAHAY and its time for every somali to
understand the time of BOOBID is over. No land land will work in somalia anymore
so let us see when the Kenyans leave for good. I don't think Faroole aka AFWEYNE will
be willing to give you a hand when the somali arm forces fill the city.
    soolboy @ 5/16/2013 12:38 PM EST
 Both men look alike.let Madobe be president for weekdays and Hirale weekend president. fair share homies
    Stickorcarrot @ 5/16/2013 12:21 PM EST
 If you ask me, it's the government stupid.

financing Hiiraale and using him to stir the water won't
change the reality. We all know Hiiraale is being used to
create division. How will that bring the desired change?

Empty rhetoric and "trust me" won't work in today's Somalia.
The government should have it clear to IGAD it's in charge
and then they should have tried as much as possible to
tell Somalis the day of mistrust is over. There is mistrust
among Somalis here and that is the root cause of this


Your post seems an application for the US government to
do something about Madoobe. lol US government is ahead
of you generations. They know who they are dealing with
and what is going on.

BTW. Is Madoobe closet Shebab or traitor for Kenya?
    dhasheegduur @ 5/16/2013 12:21 PM EST
 If I glance the historical context of Somalia and who is responsible of Somali destruction
it come from the same source
A- Mogadishu people has threw the Somali government and people of Somalia gave them the benefit of the doubt they will bring a democratic system and rule of law to the country
Instead they have chosen different path which was bloodshed and mayhem that still linger to the nation
B-The genuine Somali leaders come together in Caro and agree upon let us build Somalia once for all and they said Ali and Ina Caydiid will be the president and prime minister
That is what Puntaland was born. After endless mitigating of   conference the Somalis has created for federal system which they have thought that is the reaming solution which was left for Somalia, again Somalis hands over to the power to Mogadishu so they can  fallow the guide line of the rule,  instead they go back what they know the best tribal hatred and they became the obstacle of any civilized notion, they took the nation to 1991 and reminded the wounds we were trying to heal. No iam arid this is the end of Somali nation.
    Caato_Xoogleh @ 5/16/2013 12:11 PM EST
 They say if you can’t get rid off it, praise it.  We all know our #1 problem in Somalia is Qabiil, why can’t we adopt it into our political process. Say all Darood become Democrat party while all Hawiye Praise Republic party and rest of small qabiils become Independent Party.  This would probably simplify the complexity of our qabiil system and reduce the number of Morons representing his own qabiil.
    Diyar farah @ 5/16/2013 12:07 PM EST
 It looks like we going back to where it all started, real reconciliation is the key, instead of using blame game and cheap probaganda`s, the truth is this gov, is refuelling the situation, they need to consult the experts, and stop the big NO to the Federalism..
    secular @ 5/16/2013 11:40 AM EST
 @ Somstar & Sonofsomalia,
"Patience" is a commodity out of stock in the country!
The slowness of all federal institutions encourages smaller actor to fill the vacuum.
It looks that the government doesn't "see" the urgency of .... starting something to assert it's legitimate role.
    sonofsomalia @ 5/16/2013 11:30 AM EST

  You are absolutely correct, in fact the provisional constitution defines exactly that. However our traitors and collaborators do not usually bother reading the constitution, their aim is to annex parts of Somalia toward our friendly neighbors.

Article 49. The Number and Boundaries of the Federal Member States and Districts
(1) The number and boundaries of the Federal Member States shall be determined by the House of the
People of the Federal Parliament.
    somstar @ 5/16/2013 11:03 AM EST
 It is an illusion to think Clannism will end in Somalia anytime soon..Somalis both leaders and people base their political positions on their clan affiliation..because of this Somali mentality a sensative issue like formation of regional goverments must be led by a neutral body that represents the whole of Somalis i.e the national assembley where all clans are represented on equal basis..The Presidents repeated many times for Somalis to have patience for the federal national assembely to craft the neccessary bills. No clan can impose itself on others at least we should have learned that from the anarchy of the past 22 years
    secular @ 5/16/2013 10:57 AM EST
Wadaad seef iyo AK wata shakhsi ahaan anigu aamin kuma qabo, laakin, to be realistic, "Madoobe middida daabkeeda isaga hadda haysta", shacabkuna naf la caari buu joogaa oo dawladdu "institutions building"ska ay waddo natiija wax ku ool ah oo ka soo baxda way ka raja gaabanyihiin.
Si loo dhigaba, saan wax kuma hagaagayaan.
    secular @ 5/16/2013 10:43 AM EST
Cid kaleba iga dhaafe, wax dhaama Hiiraale Xamar ma laga waayey?
Dawladdii federal ka ahayd hadday dhaafiwayday oo ka tallaabsanweyday "asma iyo jilib-xir" ah " Xamar iyo xawaare safar" siyaasad dabacsan iyo xeelad kale haddii ayan la iman warka aan Cakaara ku sugayo welwel buu igu hayaa.
    somstar @ 5/16/2013 10:13 AM EST
 Mr. Madobe! Kenya and yourself sre fully resposible for any bloodshed in Kismayu..The Kenyan Goverment has no idea what they are getting themselves into..the Kenyan Somali policy is driven by small cliche of Kenyan Somalis belonging to the Ogaden clan..same clan of Mr. Madobe..Any clan warfare in Kismayu and the region will engulf North Eastern Kenya..The violence in Garissa and Mandera will only increase..And all the achievments against Al Shabab will be reversed. For the sake of the region and the word I hope United Nations, the U.S. AU and the EEC will intervene to force Kenya to change its policy.
    baghdad bob @ 5/16/2013 10:12 AM EST
 Mdobe is a former shabab founder and he does still have strong ties with them, in fact he is the brother-in-law of hassan turki a renowned terrorist. Madobe is part of the earliest terrorist founders and his differences with shabab is one based on technicalities and not ideological and I strong suspect he has deep involvement in all the terrorist attacks against the US in East African nations. I am still having a hard time why the USA allowed this men the freedom to set up his own territory which will soon be a hiding place for other terrorists    
    Caato_Xoogleh @ 5/16/2013 10:12 AM EST
  Here we go again, old is new again. As long as we have Kenya and Ethiopia’s ill intentions in Somalia and Leaders like Madobe and Hiiraale we are doomed, God Help Somalia.  We lost our mind, we lost our bride, we lost our traditions, we lost our love for one another and finally we lost our religion.
    baghdad bob @ 5/16/2013 10:07 AM EST
 This is exactly what the president predicted and it has come to pass. The days of warlords is long gone and its up to the people of jubba to come up with a different solution together with the somali government  
    soolboy @ 5/16/2013 10:05 AM EST
 Welcome on board Jubbaland,we the somali of people stand by the elected president with majority of the votes.
Everybody can claim presidency until proven wrong.
    maulana @ 5/16/2013 9:45 AM EST
 Madaxweynihii sedexaat oo isna ladoortay Cumar Buraale Axmed wax Juba-land la ladhoho majirto Waamo State ayaa ladhahaa
mardhowne waxaa maqli doontaan Galmart Supermarket State.laba gootle waxkasto waakuwaajibaa magac xun dhamaan ayaga ugu imaaw
Jaahil fowqul jaahil Mart iyo Supermarket dadkii isku meel kureen waxkasto kafilo
    somalism1 @ 5/16/2013 9:36 AM EST
 We as Geri Koombe nation in Jubbaland a peaceloving nation in jubbaland, fully support the newly elected president of Juba land Sheekh Aadan Madoobe, and expect that this will be a new peaceful and prosparity era for the people in somalia as a whole and people in specialy people in Jubbaland to enjoy peaceful days a head.

This is  A new morning for all peace loving Somalis. we are pleased to wellcome the new state, jubbland, and we recommend other regions to make their own federal states, this is what they call grass root solution or buttom up solution. now we had officaly , puntlandstate, galmudugstate, khatumo state, somaliland state, awdalstate, and Jubbaland state.. the united somali states are heading in a good future, no more war , viva united somalistates.

we wish you good luck for the big task  ahead
The Garaad of Geri koombe in kismayo
    somalism1 @ 5/16/2013 9:20 AM EST
 Waa guul u soo hoyatay somali oo dhan gaar ahaan dadka dega jubland. Waxan ka sugaynaa sheekh aadan madoobe in uu si daacad ah ugu shaqeeyo umada somaliyed guud ahaan gaar ahaan jubaland

congratulation to all somalis and jubaland people for the new federal state
    Stickorcarrot @ 5/16/2013 9:15 AM EST
"Nin wax ugaarsanayo isna la ugaarsanayo"

Read this.


The Somali conflict will get more complex by the day.
It sure needs some tough choices and outside of the box
thinking. But I doubt we are capable of that.
    maulana @ 5/16/2013 9:09 AM EST
 Magac xumaa Jubaland kulahaa ingiriis mey kasoo go-een Juba-valley inaay ubaxshaan ayaa ka fiicneet
mit sedexaat ayaa dowlada soo dhiseeso.

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