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    Somalipeople1 @ 5/13/2018 5:55 PM EST
 Fake news. The only source is hear say. What kind of journalism is this. There havent been any talks with Russia. Russia will
only talk to Somalia.
    Sacomaale @ 5/13/2018 2:32 PM EST
 Farmaajo waa in uu Qatar ka soo saxiixaa in ay muddo dhowr sano ah bixiso mushaharka ciidanka qaranka oo ay ku jiraan kuwo maamul goboleedyada, waxaan hubaa haddii dhowr boqol oo dollar la siiyo askarigiiba, ay daacad u noqon doonaan dowlada xataa kuwa maamul goboleedyaduna ay si toos ah u taageeri doonaan dowladda dhexe. Awoodda madax ku sheega maamul goboleedyaduna ay wiiqmi doonto. Somali way istaqaanaa, the highest bidder always wins.
    FiqiJin @ 5/13/2018 12:38 PM EST
 Fake news! Fake News paid by Eedoor! Someone in Eedoorland thinks false news dissemination will earn them a country.

    wiifgarow @ 5/13/2018 10:58 AM EST
 Nobody except our Emirati brethren will invest in Somalialnd because its been taken over by microscopic-brained, brutal Salafi Wadaads. They will go berserk at thopught of Russains sipping Vodka in Zeila. Or their women swimming. Djibouti, is much coler because thankfully, it has Slafism at bay so far. Well done to Djibouti on that.

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