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    topclan @ 10/18/2017 6:37 PM EST
 We need information about the attacker(s). We need to know his background like his family, friends and associates, where he was born and lived, the dugsi or masjid he went to and his qabiil.

The Somali government needs profile of terrorist attackers to prevent these kinds of attacks.

It's no good just saying they're an Al-Shabaab members.

The public needs to know their background so that they can identify threats in their community.

How do you make Mogadishu safe when terrorists are hiding in plain sight and no one is stopping them?

It seems to me, the problem is that terrorists move freely in and around Mogadishu that it's almost impossible to track them.

The people of Mogadishu have been conditioned to living with daily attacks that it is difficult trying to get to take action to defend their city.

Mogadishu is no city of angels. There is a reason why it was regarded as the most dangerous city in the world.

The attacks that happen in Mogadishu don't happen in other parts of the country.

They don't even happen in the two Shabelle regions which border Banaadir.

Strange, isn't it? So much for the tribal theory.

What makes Mogadishu unique? For a start, it is the seat of the Somali government.

It is not just Al-Shabaab that's against the FGS. There are internal and external forces which desperate to stop Somali government standing on its own two feet.

I think the main problem in Somalia is politics, not security.

Politics dictates everything and without the proper mechanism for dispute resolution, chaos will ensue.

The problem in Somalia is that just a little disagreement can throw everything else into doubt.

It's the system which protects people from abuse, not individuals.

There are bad people in all walks of life; therefore, there will be abuses through intentional or incompetent actions.

If the president, PM, MPs or FMS leaders are corrupt, the system should check them.

We can specualate who might be behind this attack, but the fault clearly lies with security personell who allowed the truck to get as far it did.

If they had acted as they were suppose, they could have stopped truck and saved many lives.

Someone, I can't remember who; I think he might have been a former MP, said you cannot tribalise the security forces and I agree with him very much.

We are having trouble with clannish politics but tribalise the security forces is to threaten the national security.

4.5 in politics until 2020, but we need to stop using for security too now.

The government should be given leeway to name the best people for security post while still trying as the best as it can to keep the tribal balance.

It should not be compulsory and the government should select it as it sees fit.

If you kill meritocracy, then all you end with is incompetence.

MPs should scrutinise the process but shouldn't force the government to use 4.5 on security forces.

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