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    Appalled @ 3/26/2019 7:43 PM EST
 With that said. I wish Somalia recovers and I wish nothing but peace and harmony for all my neighboring fellow Somali countries. Peace and love for the Faqash and reer digir of Somalia.
    Appalled @ 3/26/2019 7:39 PM EST
 As far as pavement goes, please download Google Earth and choose from the many paved roads in Hargeisa you would like (that’s if you know what a paved road looks like). The lack of pavement people in Somaliland complain about is the one connecting Sanaag with Maroodi Jeex region. Kkkk here I go educating you again. Appalled for “Waasiirka Horumarka Tacliinta Wallaweyn”.
    Appalled @ 3/26/2019 7:32 PM EST
 Abdi Mashkur,

I used to respect your thoughts. I actually did, but lately you’ve been arguing like a Darood (no intellect) and that’s ok. Guess you couldn’t hold your own with facts so you must resonate like the primitive to continue.

Ogadenia: A region where a new puppet is put in place every few years
NFD: Somalis with no rights (simple as that kkkk)
Somalia (Puntland, Galmudug, Benadir, Jubbaland and Wallaweynia): Is a single Somali region split into multiple regions with different presidents. None of these regions have one man one vote elections and presidents are elected by top dollars and corruption
Djibouti: This place is owned by Omar Guelleh. It should simply be called “Omari Land”
Somaliland: only Somali region where one man one vote took place with Biometric technology.

How is Hargeisa the Sick Somali region again??? Kkk
    Abdi mashkuur @ 3/26/2019 5:36 PM EST

I will apologise if those hunches are proven wrong, but in the long run the answer is clear.

and no apology.

Let him prove otherwise. Mr Muuse Biixi of Somaliland.

Where is WIIL WAAL, i believe you now even more
    Abdi mashkuur @ 3/26/2019 5:34 PM EST

Here are few scenarios.

1-Muuse Biixi does know anything about it and as long as they keep his peace he is willing not to know them. Very unlikely as he even know what type of storm that is coming because he keeps his ears glued on the ground to listen the seismic activities.

2- He knows but he enjoys what they are doing and there is an understanding what each wants and the penalty areas: very unlikely because two rules cannot function simultaneously, and transgression and conflict of objectives would have long happened. Or even how much money an apparatus would he have to have to keep an eye without active mistrust. We cannot buy that.

3- He might be leading them to further his goals and he would keep his tracks under-wraps for as long as possible using aliases etc. One thing someone said was 'the SHAANI' element which exposed a lot of information and made it very likely circumstantially. If one is capable of one thing then he is likely to maintain his capability and even increase in size and action.

What do you think? do you think it will be inevitable to be the prime suspect?????
    FiqiJin @ 3/26/2019 2:52 PM EST
 "Somaliland successfully folded various regional militias into a single cohesive army. How they did so can provide a roadmap for permanent solutions elsewhere."

The fact is Somalia has overcome bigger and deadlier clan militias and their warlord. The Somaliland administration never faced clan militias and their warlords
the likes which existed in the south. Al-Shabab is not a clan militia. It's an Al-Qaeda affiliated terror organization. Good governance and intelligence of
Western Europe and the USA couldn't entirely prevent or irradicate terrorism.

Why Al-Shabab, which has taken a torch to every place in Somalia (except the so-called Somaliland) and in the neighboring countries, has given the Somaliland
administration a free pass? Why some top Al-Shabab leaders vacation in their home towns in Somaliland? Simply put, Al-Shabab is not interested in Somaliland.

It couldn't be that Somaliland administration is ideologically in agreement with Al-Shabab; nor could it possibly be because Al-Shabab is afraid of the rag-tag
clan militias of Somaliland. So, what could there be that makes Al-Shabab and Somaliland have a common interest--sort of my enemies enemy is my friend type?
There has to be an explicit agreement between the two and dependance on each other for continuing mayham in Mogadishu! Maybe, it is a witchcraft--that Somaliland
put a hex, a spell, on Al-Shabab, which makes Al-Shabab blind to this Somaliland. By the way, Al-Shabab is against dividing Somalia. Yet, Al-Shabab seems to give
the Jeeganta administartion a pass! Wy? Why? Why?  

    Abdi mashkuur @ 3/26/2019 12:22 PM EST

Thanks for you high self-esteem, the knowledge your purport to possess could have helped you seen the enclave in a more clearer manner. Somaliland today is the sick uncle of Somali regions, and with all the opportunities available to the region a clan-free election couldn't be held on time. That is just to mention one, the corruption amongst the elite have emptied the charity coffers with no 'TAANO' left the salvage the drought-stricken regions which (money embezzled) could also have been used to build road, or dig bore-holes for people and livestock.

Instead all have been expropriated and used for clan appease-empowerment.

You know unlike other 'Qaldaans' I respect you as fair debater, but where is all those knowledge if you cannot show anything tangible other than men missing half of their teeth, and a resurgent clan vulture feasting over the little aid-donation without a hope to shut mouth.

One last question though Mr, can you name a single 'marshabiyeedi' = Pavement, in Hargeysa????  then I would be willing to learn from you.

Somaliland is nothing but a clan enclave which has past its sell-by-date.
    Appalled @ 3/25/2019 2:29 AM EST
 Rasimal & Abdi Mashkur,

It’s getting tiresome educating you both of you on here for free. Maybe you could nominate under Farmajo’s government as “Wasiirka horumarka Tacliinta Wallaweynta”. I mean I’m sure I could be nominated if they white guy could be nominated for the central bank kkk.  
    Appalled @ 3/25/2019 2:22 AM EST

Let me correct you there. The road project connecting Hargeisa and Berbera was a charity project fully funded by UNDP. This can be easily googled as shown in the memorandum “UNDP Hargeisa-Berbera road 1965”. I’m case you illiterate south Somalia people didn’t know, Siyaad came to power in 1969 and not 1965 lol. Secondly, the port of Berbera is an ancient port, it was even mentioned in Greek and Anatolian writing of ancient times. The only addition that took place during Siyaads time is that he leased it to the Russians and then US. They in turn expanded it, thus Siyaad did nothing nor did he use any government capital to expand it. He merely rented it out and used the rent money to expand  Wallaweynia (Somalia) and his belly not a penny for Somaliland.
    Rasimaal @ 3/24/2019 11:44 PM EST
 Mr Michael Rubin, you’re are writing like one of them habar awal kids who think the world of the dusty road that links hargeysa and barbera. I am sure they left out some details when they gave you the 3 million dollars and info about Siyad Barre, he is the one who built the little infrastructure they still got including the port!
    Appalled @ 3/24/2019 3:54 PM EST
 Abdi Mashkur,

Are you even literate? This is a positive article of Somaliland. What is there not to be proud of??? Wallaweyns going crazy lol. Lacagtii xaraanta baa khal khalisay kkkk. War orda kaadida iyo dhareerka iska tir tira. Only country colonized in 2019 by African nations = Somalia. First become a independent country for real and not just by paper only then can you even try to sit at the same table as Somaliland. I’m glad Muse Bihi rejected talks in Turkey unlike poor old Silanyo. Next time Somaliland and Somalia hold talks it should be more like Somaliland and Amisom (Somalia’s colonizer and real leader).
    Appalled @ 3/24/2019 3:49 PM EST
 Abdi Mashkur,

Are you even literate? This is a positive article of Somaliland. What is there not to be proud of??? Wallaweyns going crazy lol. Lacagtii xaraanta baa khal khalisay kkkk. War orda kaadida iyo dhareerka iska tir tira. Only country colonized in 2019 by African nations = Somalia. First become a independent country for real and not just by paper only then can you even try to sit at the same table as Somaliland. I’m glad Muse Bihi rejected talks in Turkey unlike poor old Silanyo. Next time Somaliland and Somalia hold talks it should be more like Somaliland and Amisom (Somalia’s colonizer and real leader).
    secular @ 3/22/2019 10:01 PM EST
 I pity this hired gun and those who paid him to pen down this nonsense: not worthy of the UAE dirhams!
It seems that he has just signed a letter drafted by people who chose to tarnish the image of Somalia,
in order to promote an enclave that will never probably become a stand-alone country.
Our brothers in Hargeysa should have proofread this garbage and ask him to write positive things
about Somaliland without ridiculing himself by vomiting petty things about the rest of Somalia.
I wonder if he even knows the geographic location of Somalia and the bone of contention between the parts !
The claim of nationhood of Somaliland hinges on British colonial era "documents" and , if qualified, he should elucidate to
world "le raison d'etre " of the whole brouhaha !!!
    Abdi mashkuur @ 3/22/2019 4:43 PM EST

جميهرية ارضصومال: ارض الفساد والنفاق

Is there anything to be proud of when everyone is looting the small coffers of the administration left right and centre

A renegade rudderless region spinning out of control seems to be the befitting description.

Any comment to deny it?

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