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    Abdi mashkuur @ 8/18/2017 7:18 PM EST
 KKKKKk  No worries, take your time.

My father... Are you saying...!  I am CabdiMAshkuur Madkeer Xaliim Barakaat.... Boocbooc....Saaqsaaq....and so on. all water tight up to Noah and his ark.

Will you ever think the sub have actually short changed the Samaales?  You have to see it comparatively, after all we are in one world. What do you think the fore-fathers of Fiqijin, Wiifgraw.... I don't want to even imagine who fahtered them.

Long live Somalia with 100% equality.
    topclan @ 8/15/2017 5:45 PM EST
 Abdi mashkuur

I don't take much solace that we are not as bad as other countries.

I don't care about other countries because I don't have to deal with that or face their problems.

We have a big problem and we must deal with urgently rather than look at other countries and feel like we are not so bad.

Completely agree with you on the fairy tale forefathers.

How come these "Arabs" outnumber indigenous Somalis?

Anyway, I never understood the whole male lineage thing since it could be faked or be biological incorrect.

What is indisputable is DNA.  Somalis are not close to being Arabs.

Somalis are still yet to understand how stupid it is to cling to male lineages that were long time ago, which are either fake or simply mistake.

Maybe your father isn't even your father. Did you even think about that?

There is even doubt in that let alone something that happened centuries ago.

P.S., I didn't respond early because I only looked at this page today. Sometimes I don't look at old pages.
    Abdi mashkuur @ 8/8/2017 4:25 PM EST

'' Innaa Jacalnaakun sucuuban wa qabaa'ilan li tacaarafuu--- End of!
It is not effing upsurd but a completetly fabricated stories. To begin with if there were any truth the country would have been called Sub-Samalia by now, and there isn't one homogenous group that a subjected to this segregation, but rather a whole block of distinct clans, each living different area in the country, there is no one so-called cursed grandfather. Also beacuse of the advanced skills often possess they are indispensible in every community and yet they are looked down on-upsurd indeed. Generally in the last 50 years it was a case of one step forward five steps backward to allow transition of the old un-islamic, un patriotic demeaning subculture where it has only to end, However, in terms of world ranking, I don't think we are the worst when you hear other cultures like India where half of a billion people are condemned to sub-humanity/subserviency by the state and by their beliefa, the law requires them to declare ethnicy, then only do what one is allowed to touch.

If we look back the history the fairy stories that say old forefather of some groups agreed to pay compensation to the perpetuity, DO ME AFVOUR, the very group say they came from arabia and barely can trace it in seven/ eight generations and today they are as numerous as anyone else, even more numerous the the very victim they are talking about, clearly it is a fake story, I don'k who actually did the faking, is it the one taking the money or the arrogant one looking down on the others?!

One thing is clear, there is place for that culture and the sooner it ends the better-All equal in eyes of the creator.
    secular @ 8/7/2017 2:06 PM EST
 Dawaco: " Wallee qola aan ogahay ma guurto"!

Hyperbole: Couples should be paired by lottery. Just numbers. No "nasab" verification.
Problem solved, in one generation!
    topclan @ 8/5/2017 6:48 PM EST
 Abdi mashkuur

Hi bro. Thanks, it's good to be back. It's been a lot more quiet around here, I bet.

Oh, another thing about this evil caste thing, how does it work if you're a doctor from these small clans?

If members of this community no longer have the so called demeaning profession and becomes doctors scientist or politicians, why are they still treated badly?

Are the sins of the father or great grand father are never washed away?

How do you blame someone for sins they have never committed?

The whole thing effing absurd! The sooner it is ended the better.
    topclan @ 8/5/2017 6:34 PM EST
 I'm afraid I do not know what to say about this because I cannot even make any sense of it.

What the eff is this thing? Since when I was young, I have been able to understand this evil.

Some say it is similar to Indian's Dallis or untouchables, but that's some religious bull...t.

To me, it seems like a class system, only it's morphed into a deranged Somali type.

I mean, You call someone low caste because of their profession? And the profession seems to have been selected at random.

It seems that the ostracising of these communities started because other communities were jealous  that these communities held these necessary jobs despite their small numbers.

Or they simply decided they needed someone to be a low caste and picked on these small communities.

Shoe makers and blacksmiths are the worst professions in the world; In fact, they are one of the oldest and necessary jobs.

Stop trying to rationale it and state the bleeding obvious: Somali people are ig-no-rant.
    Nuunow @ 8/5/2017 2:42 AM EST
 Bashir Goth,

Great peace indeed!

That is a living proof that Somalis are predominantly primitive, illiterate and backward society, and that is why our future looks bleak and dismal.

Innocent people are oppressed and subjugated because of stupid and false narrations/fairy-tales while at the same time corrupt and criminals are praised and glorified because of clan affiliations.

Wallee taas waxeey cadeeyneysaa inaan gedigeen nahay cawaan cawaan dhashay.

    Abdi mashkuur @ 8/2/2017 4:41 PM EST


Wecome back after a long stint of absance without warning.
shall I had you over the keys as I was baby-sitting here more than my fair share.
Six month, big difference.

Welcome  back to a changed world.
    Abdi mashkuur @ 8/2/2017 4:39 PM EST

Welcome back after a short off-circulation. I though you were on loan to the election in your home-land and wasn't expecting you until after the baton handover.
I know you like Mr Goth's articles and observations, however, you comment as if you are from superior stock, who has a social status deserving a permission, his pbservations are spot on and to me he is of upper crust in every sense of the word.

All are accurate information we chose to disregard.
    wiifgarow @ 8/2/2017 10:12 AM EST
 ..and no bread..
    wiifgarow @ 8/2/2017 10:11 AM EST
 All sentimental ooze and cheese and bread. where are the socio-political solutions to this degrading and primitive discrimination?

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