Speaker of Parliament declares PM's appointment nullified

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    maxaaigagalay @ 9/10/2021 1:27 AM EST
 Eelaygan edebta daran ee Mursal ah waa
in afka lagu dhuftaa.  
لا تشتري العبد الا والعسا معه
Addoon ha gadanin iyadoo ay la socoto
ushii lagu garaaci lahaa mooyee.
Hortaa jire aqoon lahaa horey uga maahmaahay
arrinkan oo kale iyo sida loola dhaqmo adoonta.
    FiqiJin @ 9/9/2021 10:23 PM EST

"Roble, the Rain Man!" Exactly, war wuxu illeen waa xayawaan! Why put the nation
in this ringer, when the paramount important thing is for him to oversee a speedy election in weeks?

He could have investigated the tragedy of that young woman and then table the
results! But at this crucial moment, nothing is more important than to have an elected  
government for this nation! He would have sealed a great legacy, but now he has proven
to be an airhead, a dumba*s, who is, like you put, an "arsonist!" Unbelievable!!!!!!    
    secular @ 9/9/2021 9:03 PM EST
 Everything coming out of Mogadishu defies common sense and decency.
Farmaajo is guilty twice : for what he did/didn’t do, say/didn’t say and for  not vetting
Rain Man, the last arsonist in Somali politics!
    FiqiJin @ 9/9/2021 6:26 PM EST
 Roble the dictator, who can nominate a minister in the
morning and swear him in in the afternoon, without ever
bothering to submit his nominee to parliament for approval?

Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Caqli Mooryaan, typical!
    FiqiJin @ 9/9/2021 6:17 PM EST
    FiqiJin @ 9/9/2021 6:10 PM EST
 Look what the |DUMB| Roble has done, plunging the country
into new disaster, disagreements and functionalizing! For
God sakes, the election of a whole new government is less 2
months away! Roble's main task was to take the country through
a fair and successful election--not to rush to Mombasa and kiss
Somali's enemy Kenya leader ring ( dressing him up in Somali cloths).

The man has reverted to his Mooryaan , dumb heritage, I am afraid! Nuts!    
    amina_samajecel @ 9/9/2021 4:41 PM EST
 Guddoomiye Cabdi Xaashi wuu ka hadlay arrinta Ikran Tahlil
adna mudane Mursal intaad ka hadli lahayd waxaad rabtaa in aad caqabad
u abuurtid Ra'isul Wasaare Rooble oo raba in aay caddaalad helaan qoyska Ikraan.
Xundubeey asagaa gabay shaqadiisi, waxay ahayd in mar hore xilka
laga qaado.

Mudane Mursal shalay waxaad ka aamustay in aay caddaalad helaan
dadki lagu laayay Baydhaba oo weliba kuwi dembiga galay qaarkood
dallacaad iyo darajo Farmaajo isugu daray. Maanta waad ka aamusteen
adiga iyo in badan oo xildhibannada ka mid ah arrinta Ikraan.

    amina_samajecel @ 9/9/2021 4:23 PM EST
Mursal is the speaker of one of the houses of parliament and is
known by everyone to be the rubber stamp of Farmajo. As a speaker of
the House of the people Mursal was supposed to summon Fahad Yasin for
him to answer about the soldiers sent to Eritrea and then to Ethiopia.
He was also supposed to ask NISA to come clean about the Ikran Tahlil case.
Farmers were killed by AMISOM, the speaker did nothing about it.
His job is oversight but he kept quiet, and now he is talking about procedures
when he ignored more important problems that could cause civil war.

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