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    mo_mohamed @ 10/29/2010 4:52 PM EST
 Doqonkii Daar-ood ahaa Doolo laga qaadye, loo diid Danood iyo haduu degi lahaa ciide..
    Lamadage @ 10/29/2010 3:52 PM EST
".. Yesterday you were in Tigree camp, before you were in the camp of Derbi Darod, tomorrow Obama camp, after tomorrow who knows?""

You lost the argument by trivializing rather riding the clannTrojan. Wallee nin yahow war la idaa. Maantuu leeyahay Lamadage aa

Tigree Camp or Obama camp or Darood Camp eh? Adduunyo xaalka ba''

BTW, Lamadage neither he afraid from FBI nor its pimps. I give them middle finger in my previous arguments. If that is national security then go tell them but

please debate with civility. For civility Lamadage will reason with you. If you are Hawd or Cige then waan ka daalay sidaan dhulka ugu jeedaayey.

Ciil qabe cindiga kama helo calool fiyoobiye

Ma harsado Hurdada ma lado hilibna hiifaaye

Hurgufka beentiyo haaraan kama kaco habacsanaanteeda

Horta habowgigiyo maxaa idinku wacan Heensashada beenta .

Haddaad haybad leedihiin habar ma mamaasheene.
    Lamadage @ 10/29/2010 3:51 PM EST
 Mo Mohamed wrote:

War nin yahow si nin wayn aa kula hadlay waxaad iigu jawaabtey maxay aheyd?

Brotherly advice,

Don't bring FBI or other US law enforcement agencies into our midst. You know to what happen
Somali youth. So please stop riding this manyatta Rd.

For your comment waxaan ka dhahey?

"Why Majeedheen are afraid of FBI... You are now trying to defend Al Qaeda""

I don't get it. Cedar poor Somalis comprise from all Somalis unless tribal demography has changed since I left USA 4 years ago.

For me defending Al-qaeda....it seems either you don;t know me or you have amnesia. Checkout my earlier posts to see how Lamadage view the

clash between Islam vs western aggressors.

    mo_mohamed @ 10/29/2010 10:09 AM EST

Why Majeedheen are afraid of FBI... You are now trying to defend Al Qaeda.. Yesterday you were in Tigree camp, before you were in the camp of Derbi Darod, tomorrow Obama camp, after tomorrow who knoww?
    Lamadage @ 10/28/2010 11:42 PM EST
 Mo-Mohamed wrote with total joke:

"Last night I phoned FBI in MN and Dakota office and gave confidential information about the group.. I even mention Shikh Abdiqani's activities and Omar Jamal.. Keep watch what will happen"

So Mohamed you think you will have easy ride in HOL by announcing you are rat. Moreover, do you think FBI is like Iraqi clearing house where pimps throng without substance. I can't believe you stoop to this muddy land. Make towbah before you become outcast in this medium and among Somalis or FBI catch you in defamation saga.

I called FBI in MN and Dakota kulahaa......with your nice jurisdiction demarcation. wallaahi miskiin
    Qaloocoow @ 10/28/2010 9:15 PM EST
It is not something that Mooryaans work for FBI and Spy agencies.
    mo_mohamed @ 10/28/2010 8:21 PM EST
 Qalooc waawarey waxaadba tahay nin sidiisaba qaloocan.. Those in Karamel are business people, hard working and workaholic unlike Cedar TERROR GROUP.. Last night I phoned FBI in MN and Dakota office and gave confidential information about the group.. I even mention Shikh Abdiqani's activities and Omar Jamal.. Keep watch what will happen..
    Qaloocoow @ 10/28/2010 10:21 AM EST

No one is gonna buy your cheap accusations. Even if he ones was JIRRI OR MOORYAAN as you put it, now he is no longer in that position. It seems like you watched or listened too much Glenn Beck, Rush Limbough, Sean Hanity and Fox News.
You only inspire hatred and clanish view.

You are blaming the victims. Why don't you mention Karmel Mall where we have Mooryaans and for those who directly commited crimes against innocent Somalis.
    Lamadage @ 10/27/2010 2:43 PM EST

Ragga sidaa looma qiimeeyo. Xitaa haddii u yahay sida aad sheegtay ogow towbada baabkeeda waa ballaaran tahay. BTW, since when polygamy marriage has become cardinal sin?!!. War isku xishow Jaalle.

Midda aad tiri Itixaad waa defeated terrorist waxay ku tusinaysaa sida aad uga dhar tiran tahay taariikhda Itixaadka iyo wax qabadkooda. Weligaa ka digntoonow inaad xirato shaarka Mareykanka oo aad karkaarka lagaaga waydaarto. Intaan Itixaadka ka ogahay when he exit from Bari he moved to south to fight another day. That is not defeat that is war tactic.

Mo Mohamed

War nin yahow Cedar Soomali masaakiin baa deggani sidee wax kaa noqdeen? Qaxootiga ku xareesan halkaasi winterkan banaanka ha dhigin. Midda kale waligaa fikrad marka laga hadlaayo qabiil lama adeegsado.
    mo_mohamed @ 10/27/2010 12:57 PM EST
 We need Twin Cities to be a free from terrorism.. Morgans and Gabyow forces are now in Cedar and 24 Market.. They now claim as Osama defenders.. Yesterday they called themselves Darbi Dar-ood.. Tommorow will be Obama defenders..
    shabeel @ 10/27/2010 12:02 PM EST
 background check done of this overnight Imam revealed that he was onetime a "jirri" or "mooryaan" - a clan militia-man, a hired gun for warlord Morgan in the southern city of Kismayo after he dabbled joining the defeated terrorist group of Al-Itihad. He was also a Qat dealer and womanizer. Now he is the Imam of Masjid Al-Shafici in Minneapolis, an assistant director of charter school and is rumored to practice polygamy (which is illegal in the US)
    nuunow @ 10/26/2010 8:16 PM EST
 Dr. Lamadage,

"I wrote this under lamb as our neighbor is total blackout tonite", looooool!

Thanks for the clarification of J business, and as well as your balanced "garsoor" of the topic at hand.


Soomaalida, siiba kuwa seef la boodka ah, waa wax lagu yaqaano ineey arimahaas oo kale eey marwalba ku degdegaan. Siiba markeey dooda xumaato oo wax qiil ah ey waayaan, ama eey doonayaan ineey hadafkooda qaas fushadaan. Waa wax lala yaabo oo aad noogu cusub.
    Qaloocoow @ 10/26/2010 7:25 PM EST
 Minnesota has become a place where Muslim scholars demean and disrespect each other. As we all know comments or statements without caution can go too far and it will hurt its originator. For those who live in Minnesota enjoys humiliating his/her fellow Somali and that is unfortunate.
However, Can you call a brother/sister (in Islam) a disbeliever? If so, what kind evidence do you have even if the person violated Islamic values? Can you proof it?  I don’t think that Sheikh AbdiQani has or will ever have a legitimate reason to back up his claims. Let Allah judge his creations.
Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) said: The messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “When a person calls his brother (in Islam) a disbeliever, one of them will certainly deserve the title. If the addressee is so as he has asserted, the disbelief of the man is confirmed, but if it is untrue, then it will revert to him.”  We find out from this Hadeeth that to call a Muslim a Kafir or infidel is strictly prohibited.
    Lamadage @ 10/26/2010 3:46 PM EST
 G**l*ynta la sheegay inuu g**l*ysiiyey culimadii halkaa tagtay?

Haddii ay jirto waa jahli ku eg keligiisa haba wafaaqdo daahirka nusuusta. Xataa haddii uu waafaqsan yahay shareecada islaamka arrimahan oo kale laguma deg dego.
Waxay ahayd inuu culimada kale u soo bandhigo ee dibadda jooga ama gudaha jooga.

Sheekh Abdiqani waxaan kula talin lahaa inuu ka fiirsado inna likulla mowqifin lahu maqaal. Tassarrufkan waxaa uu dhib u keenayaa shacabka masaakiinta ah ee ku tabaalaysan reer galbeedka gaar ahaan kuwa MN deggan, Xikmadda Islaamka waxay keenaysaa in wax walba la dhigo halka ay ku habboon tahay.

Amma ninka warkan qoray waa kawthari camiil ah oo diinta iyo sharafta waxban ka aqoonin. Waa inaan ninkan oo kale la siinin fursad. Sidaa oo kale yaanan masaakiinta deggan MN lagu qasbin inay ka beri noqdaan waxaa ay diinta qabto oo aan loo baahanayn in la sheego iyada oo daciifnimo jirto ama lagu nool yahay carriga mareykanka.

Ilaahow xaqa na fahamsii
    Lamadage @ 10/26/2010 3:46 PM EST
 Laakiin halka uu ku yiri waxay caddeysaysaa sida uusan xikmad iyo fiqiga islaamka uga fog yahay

    Lamadage @ 10/26/2010 3:42 PM EST
 For the topic at hand.

What Abdiqani said is right according to Quran and Sunnah with concept of saxaaba understanding.


    Lamadage @ 10/26/2010 3:24 PM EST
Taasi macanheedu miyaa inaysan jirin cid ka horjeeddo?

Maya. Waa jiraan dad ka horjeeda J naftiisa ama diidan j people hab dhaqankooda qaarkeeda.
U fiirso markii uu wakthiga dagaalka dheeraado, dacaayada badato, khaladaadka microscope wayn lagu ifiyo, lagu celceliyo war jira, war aan jirin iyo war la buun buuniyo, la yabooho barwaaqo in la heli lahaa haddii J people saaxada ka baxaan, indhaha la iska tiro nabadda iyo kala dambaynta ka jirta gobollada, qabiil loo fasiro khilaaf haddii uu jiro ama uusan jirin ba. La hilmaamo waxa loo dagaallamayey oo dawlad Soomaliyeed oo xor ah shareecada hab maamulkeeda iyo dhaqan dhaqaalaheeda islaamka saldhig u yahay, laga war hayn xogta dhabta ah ee saaxada, la dhageysto weerarka fikradeed ee lagu hayo j people iwm  waxaa dhacaya in dadka dhumiyaan aragtida saxda, ama la moodo shariifka ama shariif sakiin inay wax yihiin ama la doono dawlad Soomaaliyeed iyada oo halbeeg qalad loo adeegsado oo berri keeni doonta iska hor imaad iyo burbur.

I wrote this under lamb as our neighbor is total blackout tonite
    Lamadage @ 10/26/2010 3:15 PM EST
 I'll will b back on thread insha allah

Fiqi and Nun

J people waxaan ula jeeda

1- former ICU members oo markii dambe badankooda u xuubsiibtay iwm.

2- Ganacsatada taageersan

3- Culimada taagersan haba yaraadeene

4- Aqoonyahanka taagersan

5- Suxufiyiinta taagersan

6- Dhallinyarada taageersan

5- Dumarka taagersan

6- Guud ahaan shacabka deggan qaarkii ee Muqdisho iyo gobollada qaarkood

* Hadafka

dhisid dawlad islaami ah oo Soomaaliyeed

* Method



* Dhextaal waxaa noqday;

USC, SNM, SSDF, SPM, SNA  iyo jabhadihii kale

xabashida, amisom


gaal raaca, western nations


    Anti-dabdhilifs @ 10/26/2010 11:53 AM EST
 Qaloocoow.I agree with you. Shikh cabdiqani went little too far, at same time, he made a good point. He shouldnot say  that all the imams or muslims went that church, left islam if he said that because there might be some imaams or muslims who  were honest, and didnot know the really agenda of this meeting  or didnot know it will damage their diin. Dont forget that there are some NGO groups and munaafiqiin groups  in somali community who will sell their diin for a few bucks.  Some NGO groups love those kinda meeting, and they were in this meeting. They are the ones who give misinformation our imaams and muslims and encourge them to attend those kinda meeting. This author may be part of NGO group. He admitted that there was a prayer for a unity. This is what he said "Abdighani Ali, who is also an Imam at a local mosque in Minneapolis, labeled the Imams apostates simply because they joined in prayer for unity with “infidels” in a church".  when I am a muslim, how can I  join a prayer with a hinduism people who worship a cow or christans who worship our beloved messenger Isse?  
    Qaloocoow @ 10/26/2010 9:28 AM EST
 There is nothing wrong with people oppose and argue with each other, especially this uneasy and confusing times. I know personally both the author Abdiwali Ali and the Imam Sheikh AbidQani. Without a doubt, Sheikh AbiQani went too far when he labeled other Somali scholars that they are no longer Muslims just because they attended so called interfaith ceremony.
There are personal attacks both claims that fuel all this issue.  Abdiwali is very brilliant young guy who has Bachelor in Economics and just completed his Masters in Business Taxation. But he is leaning toward Atheism. I was watching live on that debate were AbiQani confirmed that those individuals left Islam. It was just emotional judgment. My question to Sheikh AbdiQani is where in the Islamic jurisprudence can be found the legal basis for confirming those individuals left Islam? Yes AbdiQani is very judgmental and he likes to be the first and the last in every issue that happens in Minnesota in terms of Muslim issues. Of course, there have always been money issues regarding to all problems. In Minnesota we have, at least 30 Mosques and 7 Somali Communities. A ratio of 30 to 7.
    fiqicigaal @ 10/26/2010 4:45 AM EST

Yes, it is all about competing for money and who gets it first, nothing to do with religion except they are using it as a tool to make their point.

And in the light of his religious bigotery this Imam  recites verses of the Qura'an that puts all christians including his host country enemies of Islam and  that we muslims shouldn't not be associated with them any form or shape while he and his own family live on the tax payers money of the same people he calls enemy, what is he doing in there?

Yes it is all about money and greed and most people will run for their lives from any man who tells them that money is evil .

But it must be noted that in any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win.

    Stickorcarrot @ 10/26/2010 3:54 AM EST
 Personal vendetta it seems like.

Tribal mentality oo diin iyo $$ lagu suqaareeyay. I was told
the whole fight @ Mosques in the Twin cities it has to do with
$$ and who (who is he!/) is getting what..I am not there so
I am not sure..but that is what I heard
    momo519 @ 10/25/2010 10:41 PM EST
This Imam should leave the US and move to Saudi Arabia.

He is benefiting from the American tax dollars by living in the US and hating it at the same time.

    mo_mohamed @ 10/25/2010 6:04 PM EST
 The Imam advocating for Extremism was a former AL ITIXAAD AL ISLAAMI. He must be trialed for his incitement. He is SHABAAB. We have many SHABAAB sympathisers in Cedar. Let the FBI do and assist their job.
    Anti-dabdhilifs @ 10/25/2010 4:51 PM EST
 I am glad Shikh Abdiqani and other imaams didnot go "interfaith conference meeting" They care less what KUFAR LOVERS have to say.I was wondering why chose to have their meeting in church? Why not hotel conference room? Timir laf ku jirto. This author clearly lied about one of the verses from our quran. First, he didnot past the whole verse. Second, he aaded some words like jews and christianity. Chapter 60 verse 1 didnot mention jews and christianity. He intentionally added those words. This is the whole verse: 060.001
O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love, even though they have rejected the Truth that has come to you, and have (on the contrary) driven out the Prophet and yourselves (from your homes), (simply) because ye believe in Allah your Lord! If ye have come out to strive in My Way and to seek My Good Pleasure, (take them not as friends), holding secret converse of love (and friendship) with them: for I know full well all that ye conceal and all that ye reveal. And any of you that does this has strayed from the Straight Path). This verse is talking about all the kuffars in general.
    shabeel @ 10/25/2010 3:50 PM EST
 I applaud the author for exposing this extremist overnight Imam.
    nomadic1 @ 10/25/2010 3:39 PM EST
 The author did not discuss the validity of what the Imam said. For example, he didn’t say whether what the Imam said was wrong or untrue. His main complaint is the Imam saying something that the author didn’t want to be said regardless of its validity. The Imam is entitled to his opinion. That is part of the democracy the author is fighting to protect.

It is beyond dogmatic to ask the dismissal of an individual for expressing his views.

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