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    abdisheikh @ 10/6/2019 10:50 PM EST
 No matter how dirty is the politics between us, but you DON NOT fly unauthorized airline from a country that is undemanding our sovereignty by violating our airspace restrictions. The Farmaajo administration may be making political misfiring, but what the so-called opposition have done is so bad, they deserve to be court-marshaled and put to jail;
They should have considered these: 1. it is known to everyone following the Kismayo election had faulty beginning and as expected rigged in the Ahmed Madobe favor.
    sacomaale @ 10/5/2019 10:26 PM EST
 Ahmed Madoobe days are numbered.
    Appalled @ 10/5/2019 9:45 PM EST

I don’t know where you’ve been the last 28 years. Somaliland has been  separate since 1991. Just cause foreign countries lie to you and tell you Somaliland is apart of Somalia or that Mogadishu controls Somali airspace when everyone knows Hargeisa and Berbera airport are free of Farmajo. How is it that Farmajo can set a ban on Puntland and Jubbaland airport but he can’t touch Somaliland? You southerners live in Lalaland kkkk
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 10/5/2019 7:55 PM EST
 Laangaabyada marka madaxda laga dhigto sidaas ayeey dawladnimada uxumeeyaan. Soomaaliyadii hore Mareexaan & Midgaan baa burburshay.
Sidan bay xaasidnimo & kibir u dhaqmayaan, waa kuwanoo awood yeesha.
    amina_samajecel @ 10/5/2019 7:53 PM EST
Dadka qabiilka iyo dollarka indhatiray waa
kuwa taageeraya laba nin oo caqli iyo
waayo aragnimada ku yar tahay. Xoog iyo
cunaqabateen waxaa eedday dowladdi xoogga
badnayd oo Kenya iyo Ethiopia aay ka baqi
jireen. Dowlad waa tan shacabkeeda u turta.

At the moment there is only a Somalia airspace
and unfortunately Farmajo government is in control.
Therefore, Somalis have to come up with a solution
so that what happened to Jubbaland will not happen
to Puntland, Somaliland or any other state in Somalia.

If Somalis would have supported the people
of the former Mudug and Nugal regions when
The Siyad Barre regime was committing atrocities.
I don't think the regime would have the courage to
bombard Hargeisa and Burao or destroy the rest of the

We must have the courage to support our
people when the government abuses its power.
    Appalled @ 10/5/2019 6:42 PM EST
 Amina, Somaliland don’t want your airspace. We just want ours, we don’t want anything to do with our neighboring country.
    Appalled @ 10/5/2019 6:41 PM EST
 Amina, Somaliland don’t want your airspace. We just want ours, we don’t want anything to do with our neighboring country.
    sacomaale @ 10/5/2019 6:11 PM EST
 With that being said, dhaliishu kuma yara dowladda Soomaaliya waxay u baahan tahay in ay yeelato aragti dheer, tusaale, maanta Kenya hawadeena sidaasi iskagama dhex mushaaxdeen haddii Ukraine, Serbia, China, Egypt, Pakistan ama Turkey loo diri lahaa duuliyayaasha diyaaradaha dagaalka/iyo helicopters-ka, hal sano oo tababar ah ayaa ku filan, lacagta ku baxaysana sidaasi uma badna, Looma baahna f-16 ama Mig 29/31 kuwaasi oo sida lagu helaa adag tahay,. Waxaa inagu filan Mig 17,19, 21 second hand ah oo laga soo gato Ukraine ama Serbia, ama diyaaradaha local-ka ee ay sameeyaan Pakistan iyo Turkey.    
    sacomaale @ 10/5/2019 5:09 PM EST

Weligay ma arag qof sama-jecel oo dowladdeeda qabiilnimo uga soo horjeeda. Hadda laga bilaabo magacaagu waa "amina qabiil-jecel"
    sacomaale @ 10/5/2019 4:58 PM EST

I agree with you on this, waa in Jubba Airlines la joojiyaa/ganaaxaa. Waxaa iska cad in Kenya ku qasabtay duulimaadka oo garan waayeen wax ay sameeyaan, sidoo kale waa Somalia ka noqotaa wadahadalkii New York, waxba kama jiraana ka soo qaadaa, baarlamaanka Soomaalida codsadaa in Kenya iskaga baxdo Jubbooyinka.  
    amina_samajecel @ 10/5/2019 4:33 PM EST
 Naive and inexperienced Farmajo and Khayre
have failed our Country and our people. This
is embarrassing, why cause more hardship for
your suffering citizens and increase their travel
costs and travelling time for sick or pregnant
women. ICAO as U.N. agency is regulated by International
Law and has regard for the Human Rights act. What
Farmajo and Khayre are doing is in violation of the Somalia
Constitution and also the Human Rights act.

In my opinion, the Somalia airspace must be managed by an
independent board of directors appointed by Somaliland, Puntland
and Jubbaland parliaments until Somalia is in a position to  have
a government elected by the Somali people, one person one vote.

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