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    Momo519 @ 7/23/2012 1:14 PM EST
It's an excellent news to read Alshabab execute their own militia!

Now, the Alshabab skeptics within Alshabab in Merca and Kismayo have a reason to defect!

Who will crumble first? Alshabab or Asad?

    Fiiqoow @ 7/23/2012 12:21 PM EST
 Ilmo jaajuus haddii ay warkaan maqlaan shubanka ayay isku daraan.
Allaah qof gaal u iska soo hormariyay ma caawiye, waana sheydaan.Shaydana kuma dhex dhuumankaro meel xaq yaalo.
Beensheeg how about westerners and their African mercenaries ? Illaahay ma waxaad u weydiinaysaa in uu barakeeyo?

Qalbi xumaa, qalbiga ka dhimo adiga iyo waxa kula midkaa.
    Runsheeg35 @ 7/23/2012 9:43 AM EST
 Insecure and on the brink of defeat, Alshabab is turning it terror inward looking for anyone to blame but their misguided death and destruction ideology which the overwhelming majority and muslims in the world have rejected. I read that the former dictator of Zaire (now the D.R of Congo) Mabuto Sazaseko used to pick people randomly and execute them in the soccer stadium so that no one feels safe and no one will ever dare challenge him or tell him the truth. May Allah (SWT) help Somalia to defeat these misguided terrorists from inflicting more pain on Somalis and the rest of the world.

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