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    @ 1/28/2015 5:48 PM EST
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    secular @ 10/20/2014 12:52 PM EST
Fariid baad tahay, runtase ma jeclid in laguu taabto!
Good luck, Pal, and time will tell if "illusion can turns into something real"!
    wiifgarow @ 10/19/2014 9:17 AM EST

Allah oo maxaa ku daaray xaaji? Sowdigan saliidda iyo biyaha isku daray ee ceyda iyo habaarka ku maararoobay? Yahoo! and I dont mean the internet company. Somaliland will only go from strength to strength because unlike you grudge-holding Southerners and others, we have a claen heart and open mind "...That loving soul..that heart of dove" as Ina Nur Fadal said in the 1930s.
    FiqiJin @ 10/13/2014 9:28 AM EST
 Somalia will not be divided, no matter what!
    secular @ 10/12/2014 10:51 AM EST
"xodxodosho, qaybi oo kala daadi iyo patronizing" midkoodna kaama doonin ee waxaan aan un iri " Inta ka liidatuu dhaamaa"! Waa iga kaftan!
Geed dheer haddaad fuushayna soo boodo bawdada ka jab iyo firaashkan jilicsan ku soo dag midna kuma lihi oo taasi waa iga afeef.
You free to believe in a mirage, but logic tells me that your secessionist endeavor is destined to end up in a bubble, sooner or later and , God forbid, it might also involve violence and the same clan war you thing will never happen in your flimsy Island of peace.
Midda Gallaydh, " wuxuu ahaa daneyste marku Siyaad la joogay, markuu Burco idiinku heelleeyey, markuu CabdiQaasim gacan yaraha u ahaa iyo birinbirqada Khaatumo ula yimi idinka iyo deriskiinna Bari".

    wiifgarow @ 10/12/2014 9:24 AM EST
 Just to clarify " Qof kasta oo yidhaahda waar bal aan wax u kaadinno ..Professor Galaydh oo maqiiqan baa kabaha kaga joogsanayey"
    wiifgarow @ 10/12/2014 9:21 AM EST

I will overlook your patronsing little swipe about my wiifness being the most 'reasonable' of all iidors, or words to that effect. waa kaa qaleynaa nooh? Mise waa kuu fuutinaa nooh? Not sure which one. Anyway someone said that Somaliland was set up by Iidoors only. It wasnt you but one of your sideckicks, fiqi perhaps or stick. In fact Professor Galayr was amongst the fervent in Burao. An Iidoor politician who was not so keen on the idea at the time personally told me that anyone who said "waar bal wax haloo kaadiyo in yar" Calin baa kabaha kaga joogsanayey! True story
    wiifgarow @ 10/12/2014 9:15 AM EST

I did not include somaliland because it is in our self-interest that Somalia sorts its problems out. This will mean the UN, US, EU, Uganadans and brundi-urundis leaving takingv away with tehm the false sense of empowerment they give to the Mogadishu govts. Wallaweyn will be forced to wake up and smell the cold, hard, stale coffee: Somaliland is gone and gone forever. It is your choice to have an enemy shackled to you by force or a friendly neighbour from your race that will coem to your aid next you time you find yourself in a bit of a bother. Imafgine Djiboutu buit 100 times stronger and more powerful. You wouldnt need Ugandans and kenyans next your president needs to hide in a tank
    secular @ 10/12/2014 9:01 AM EST
Xoraynta B/Mareer ducadaydu dawr bay ku lahayd!
Hadday kacayso, Maryooley waxaan Eebbe uga baryay inuu ku soo celiciyo caqliga aan la'aantii duca kale wax tarayn.
I don't want to say it aloud, but I do share partially the enthusiasm of Mr Beileh.
    Dhugtame @ 10/12/2014 5:13 AM EST
Don't waste your precious time on calling the dead back to life and never try to lose your breath resuscitating mummified bodies - Somalians (Walo).
    FiqiJin @ 10/11/2014 8:30 PM EST
 Hope so too!
    Stickorcarrot @ 10/11/2014 5:46 PM EST
 Tan kale.

Secular, Somalipeople1 (AKA Somalipeace!?),
Zami & Wiif ducada maxaa idiin diiday?
    Stickorcarrot @ 10/11/2014 5:44 PM EST

Welcome back. You're MIA for a while.

Let's hope this time things will be much

Let's hope the international community
are serious of helping Somali to stand on
its feet not just to defeat Shebaab.

I do believe if Shebab guns are silenced
we can build peace among ourselves.

We are tribal society but we have to use
that same tribal lines to make a change.

And yes, I agree wiif weli xishood baa
ku jira. Hore inaan kuugu sheegay baan
garanayaa hadalkiisa deel-qaafku ku
yar yahay awgeed baa qaar beri u oran jireen
xaggaa kama iman. Waxaan ka hadlayaa
beri hore. Lafihii hore ayaan isla nahay
about 2009 - 2010 a lifetime ago online years.
    Stickorcarrot @ 10/11/2014 5:35 PM EST
All those you’ve listed are either actively plotting against
Somali government or prefer the current status quo because
their life depends on.
However, you have forgotten or conveniently left out your tribal
enclave which is part of those plotting against Somali nation.
you mistakenly believe that the longer Southern Somalia remains
in chaos, the better chance you have for your tribal dream land.
And please stop this fake “northern” alliance. There is no tribal
harmony in Northern Somalia either. Your family owns the place
and honorable ministers’ family are not with you on this. They just
understandably, chose to not actively go against you. Harti of course
made their point clear and are not buying your sham state in Hargaisa.
This “grassroots peace initiative,” you are seemingly so proud of is
the one that made the De-facto rule that only your family can run for the
top office in Hargaisa. All the so-called parties are led by your family
only the next in line is from Gudabiirsi family. The only way Gudabiirsi
can take the top office is when and if the top guy dies in office. Like Riyale
did. Unwritten rule but a fact on the ground.
The current vice president could not even think about running for the president.
It is two guys from your family who were fighting over the right to run for the
seat of the ruling party. If so called president decides to quit and not run for president,
somehow a member of your family must run for the top seat and another Gudabiirsi or
the current vice president should take the 2nd seat. How is that for a “grassroots” peace

Shebaab are in decline. Somalis are coming back. Peace
is coming to Muqdisho. And by the grace of
God, Somalia will be back. We will see how
far your tribal secessionist and other tribal
enclaves can stay on the sideline.

I don’t even want to say anything about this statement:
“Ethiopia( I shudder to critise our existential friend)”
    secular @ 10/11/2014 2:03 PM EST
Wiifgaw is the most reasonable of the lot !
Goonni-goosad fogaaday weeye, xishood (to certain degree) baase ku haray!
    Zami @ 10/11/2014 1:28 PM EST

Why is it the foreign minister chose to work for the Somali Federal Goverment? Simple answer. A country called Somaliland doesn't exsist. He is not mentally ill and doesn't want to play pretend like they do in Somaliland. He chose the Somali people over clan based Hargeysa garbage. He chose his people rather than a select group. Wiifgarow people like you make me sick. Instead of helping all you prefer to help your clan. To hell with you. Any Somali who wants to help and protect all Somalis is welcome to stand by my side. People like wiifgarow are literal trash who would abandon other weak and starving Somalis because of clan ties. Again wiifgarow you are trash and you make me want to throw up!
    fiqicigaal1 @ 10/11/2014 12:58 PM EST

Tii xumeydbaa ka raacday wadaadka!! xabagtiina qubatay islaantiisiina seeg eebow ceeb astur.
    wiifgarow @ 10/11/2014 10:11 AM EST
 Some in the US's War on Terror' industry would not want their influence shrinking. Ethiopia( I shudder to critise our existential friend) would be half-hearted about the emergence of a strong Somalia that may one day revive its irredentist claims this time fueled by madcap, head-choppin' wahabbist fanaticism(yes Somalis are becoming Wahabbised on a massive scale).Internally if I were a Puntlander, I would be a little concerned about a strong Hawiye-led govt in Mogadshu armed to the teeth by the West(the so-called SNA is no more than a Hawiye militia). The Hawiyes, enriched by the deluge of aid money pouring into Mogadishu  maybe tempted to march to Bosaso I suspect Garowe will not welcome that. Turkey may want to see a nice little Mussulmani African pet project going, but it will ultimately get fed up and tired of this African morass and go back home to look after its Kurds(I say the words 'look after'.. advisedly) So the question is this: who really wants stable, peaceful, prosperous, strong Somalia? Answer: just ordinary citizens. And the only way they can achieve this is by taking control of their destiny. Depending on foreign smiles, money, boots, influence or arms did not work in the past and is not going to work now. Just remember the most decent thing the South ever had since the collapse of 1991 was the ICU. Six months of joyous Somalia Spring. And it was as home-made as digir and muufo. It worked. So Mr Beilleh, go home and take part in building your true country. Lets leave our Southern brethern to sort out their destiny.  

    wiifgarow @ 10/11/2014 9:48 AM EST
 Hollow propoganda and his Excelleny Mr Beileh knows it. As a fellow Somalilander he would've seen and no doubt admired how our grassroots peace-building inititaives led to remarakable reconcilaition and ultimately to vibrant if a little edgy democracy. That is not happening in Somalia. It is a top down foreign-led, foreign-funded, foreign-spawned process which everybody who has a stake in it wants not to succeed(except the beknighted people of our neighbour Somalia). The Ugandese Autocrat does not want a stbale Somalila because he will no longer be needed by the US. Coruuption-ridden Kenya does not a strong Somalia that can take it on. The UN political office does not want to make itself redundant...to be continued
    Zami @ 10/11/2014 12:06 AM EST
 Lots of negative comments here. Somalia is getting better is the point of this article. Al-shabaab is fighting for its life, but is still dangerous. Roads are being rebuilt. Schools, hospitals and business are being built. Thousands of Somalis' are getting education abroad, and the diaspora is returning. This is progress. We need to keep moving forward, together and complete all the challenges that face our country.
    secular @ 10/10/2014 11:38 PM EST
"Layo= xabag-dhireed la kariyey.
Orahdu waxay ku timi " beri abaar ah ayaa odaygii reerka looga tagay guriga inuu kariyo Layada".
"Hunguri waa belee wuxuu ku tashaday inuu macawista hoosteeda ku qarsado, marku maqlay yabaqa tii u dhaxday oo maqribka xoolaha soo xereyesay, waxaase layadii oo karkaraysaa ku daadatay "xubin hoose iyo Lulato dhexe"!
Raganimo in muddo ah ku daysay, habeenkaasna hamuum lagu seexay!
I garatay waxaan ula jeedo, markaan dhacdadaas siyaasideeyey.

    fiqicigaal1 @ 10/10/2014 2:47 PM EST

" Laalaad gubayoo layadii qubatay"!

Widaayow af Somaaligan waaweyn waas noo gooyay maa no jilcisidoo see waaye abtigiis! lol.
    secular @ 10/10/2014 9:41 AM EST
I hope it's not the usual "deja vu": We have seen many solid chances come and go!
Let's seize this apparent encouraging moment and show willingness to think positively and set aside our silly superficial differences.
Oday Fiqi ayaa malaha garankaree , maaddaama rajadeennu ay ku xirantahay ragga Xamar ka taliya oo go'aanku uu ugu jiro gunitga hoostiisa inyan arrintu ku dhammaan " Laalaad gubayoo layadii qubatay"!

    Guulwade123 @ 10/10/2014 2:10 AM EST
 Well Said Mr. Duale,
I listened to few interviews that you
gave to VOA. You are highly educated, intelligent and
patriotic person. I am happy that you a member of
of the team that are trying resuscitate this comatose nation.

Finally, Big Amiin to Stickorcarrots Ducaa.
    somalipeople1 @ 10/9/2014 5:45 AM EST
 Alinusrah well said. We are making some small progresses though.
But the issues of the checkpoints is unfair and bad for the economy. The biggest cities
of Somalia need be linked together with no checkpoints and good roads. Infrastructure and security are
very important for the economy. We need more capable leaders. Human resource is a big issue. But we are heading to the
right direction
    Stickorcarrot @ 10/8/2014 9:46 PM EST
 2 Fiqis Ducadiina Alle ha aqbalo!

Inaad uur xaaran tihiin baa meeshan ku cad!
    fiqicigaal1 @ 10/8/2014 2:37 PM EST
 A big Aaaaamiin from me too.
    FiqiJin @ 10/8/2014 2:18 PM EST
    fiqicigaal1 @ 10/8/2014 2:14 PM EST
 Somalia is back and we mean business this time round and there is no turning back. Ahlu sheydaan wal cifriid are being crushed and defeated and the show goes on until every village, settlement and town is liberated from those ungodly th*gs. I can smell peace and development throughout our country and it will be wonderful to enjoy the new Somalia without seeing envy in the eyes of secessionists, traitors, backstabbers, opportunists, religious extremists, etc..
    stickorcarrot @ 10/8/2014 12:29 PM EST
 Indeed Somalia has turned the corner.

The only people who are sad about this
are secessionist, chaos profiteers and
tribal motivated crowd.

Mogadisho is the Somali capital and where
Mogadisho goes Somalia goes as well.

I can't wait to go back and visit all the
familiar territory!

Somalia is back

Ka naxow nafta waa! Aaamiin ii dhaha hadaad
Soomaali dhab ah tihiin? Let me hear it!

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