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    FiqiJin @ 6/5/2018 9:41 PM EST
 I don't mind giving money, but only to the victims through no SNM organization.

And I think it is past time the government secretly make contact to Awdal region elders and leaders through Djibouti. It is time the government plays little domestic hardball. It would be a coup if Awdalites declare as a federal member state.

Khatumo can waite because you don't want these people crying foul, that a Darood president is doing that. Awdal is the key and Awadal is ready to declare if the federal government sends support and assurance!
    FiqiJin @ 6/5/2018 6:41 PM EST
 Wiil Waal,

I hope they didn't hand over cash to the traitor administration of Dhuso Bixi. They should have given the money to a reputable NGO or organization like the red crescent or cross to directly spend
the money on the victims of that cyclone! They know better than hand over cash to the enemy SNM traitors in Hargeisa! Should have found a way to bypass such ignoramus in Hargeisa. I mean these
people cannot even manage to provide clean water to all the residents of Hargeisa. Hargeisa General Hospital looks like trash dump! Idiots!
    FiqiJin @ 6/5/2018 12:59 PM EST
 A hell of a lot of nonsense and rehashing of old news! Somalia is not for sale. When it was right, Somalia cut ties with Iran, but the Gul;f crisis between 2 Arab sides is not the business of Somalia to side with one against the other! This a Gulf, regional problem!

Domestically, it shows how we Somalis have fallen and become mercenaries! The clan regions and their Wolfe clan leaders do not care about Somalia and its sovereignty if they can receive suitcases of money from filthy rich Arab devils!

As a Somalia, I am proud to have a president and a prime minister, Farmajo\Khayre, who alone are and have been standing up for Somalia and its sovereignty!

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