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    wiifgarow @ 4/4/2013 1:00 PM EST

I think being pragmatic is a sign of maturity and clinging on to Somaliland is neither pragmatic nor mature. You need to move on. If nothing else demography si working against re-union. Over 50% of Somalilanders were born after 1980. They have no memory of united Somalia. To have any sympathy or good memories of Somalialnd united with Somalia, you must be at least 50! So you have more chance of Somalia launching a muufo-powered satallite to out space than you have somaliland returning.  
    sonofsomalia @ 4/3/2013 1:19 PM EST
 Wiifgarow, when the northen clowns stop believing in this idea of separation and rejoin their people in their hour of need, while sharing their suffering with them.
    wiifgarow @ 4/3/2013 11:30 AM EST
 Abdullahi yusuf set the record for the most travelled leader in world history when he made 56 foreign trips in three years!. That record was broken by Sharif and it looks like it is going to be broken yet again by Ulusow. So why not let Me Shirdon do his bit of globetrotting too? when will these prideless Southern politicos learn that power comes not from hiding inside Ugandan tanks, corrupting american money or goose stepping on foreign carpets uninivited and unwanted, but from being with your people their hour of need and sharing their suffering with them?
    soolboy @ 4/3/2013 10:44 AM EST
 Finally, the home detention got loose.

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