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    dhasheegduur @ 4/16/2013 3:52 PM EST
 Your grooming evil at home  AKA (dhalinyaradeena)
Now the evil is grown up in your backyard
U used to enjoy  when they murdered  the Somali elites now you have a job to do  
    Nuunow @ 4/16/2013 2:06 PM EST
 Danta Guud,

Golohaan waxaa isugu yimaada ummad muslimiin ah oo jecel diinta muslimka, ee bal adigu hadaad Islaamka neceb tahay maad sheekadaas ula tagtid gaalo kuu hooriso quraafaadka iyo nac-nacda aad meesha la timid?

Kuwa Xaaraamta ah ee muslim maatada ah laaya iyo adiguba waxaa tihiin dameer iyo labadiisa dhagood. Cawaan fowqal cawaan!

    sonofsomalia @ 4/16/2013 12:00 PM EST
 Nothing new, they will always threaten, they will always celebrate the blood of innocents. But we expect they will be with us for the next 10-20 years, blowing things, hunting newsmen, and looking for any inch of publicity. What they cannot do is stop Somali renascence, they and their spoiler friends.

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