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    topclan @ 7/8/2013 9:16 PM EST
 Lasanod Native

I am First a Muslim and then a Somali because Islam is a way of life not just a religion.

I don't like Wahaabism never mind Al-Shabaab but Somalia is 100 per cent Muslim country and will not be a secular state.

When I think of a secular state in the west I think of France where Muslim are treated badly and in Turkey where the people are allowed to be Muslims

Do people even know what secularism means? If it means drinking(alcohol), drugs, gambling, fornication, adultery and immorality then it's against Islam.

I support gender equality though, women should be allowed the chance to participate in public life.
    Caato_Xoogleh @ 7/8/2013 3:24 PM EST
 I just checked the website "www.somalimidnimo.com" and this guy is either al shabaab sympathizer or one of them. his webisite clearly shows al shaabbab banners/flag and other things known to al shabbab. if you are true to what you saying, dont copy extremest groups agenda and flags on ur website. we are all islam. instead of a black flag with shahada written in it. why not make it white flag and with shahada in it. to show peace in islam.
    fiqicigaal @ 7/8/2013 1:44 PM EST
 Bro Warsame,

I bet you don’t really know in depth who you are dealing with and it seems to me that you are stepping off a  safe path and putting your foot in the trap!

Fiqi says, do not tempt the psychopath it will eat it you for breakfast if you don’t back off while you can.

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