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    wiifgarow @ 10/14/2017 10:00 AM EST
 Interesting that the writer is advocating the replacement of one set of foreign troops for another. Of course the thought of Kenyan and Ethiopian troops, traditional foes of Somalia who have the longest lasting military pact in sub-saharan Africa specifically aimed at containing Somalia - offends and worries many Somalis. But surely the solution si not to replace them with Rwanadns but to create an aeffective, competent, well-equipped proper Somali national army and airforce to defeat the militants? I say this even though as a Somalilander the very idea of reconstitutiong the genocidal Somali army and airforce is claerly not in my own national interest and indeed poses an existential threat to my country. But that does not mean I want to see foreign troops on sacred Somali earth even one inhabited by hostile Somalia
    topclan @ 10/10/2017 3:52 PM EST
 I used that phrase for an effect. The phrases you gave do not have the same impact.

We need to get rid of all foreign troops in Somalia so replacing the current ones with another cannot be a long term or even medium long term answer.

Somalia is rebuilding its forces and AMISOM forces are expected to start withdrawal next year.

The Somali government has to pursue two actions: How to rebuild its forces and how to improve the effectiveness of the support of AMISOM forces

Restoring resolution 1725 might be part of that plan.

AMISOM loses many territories it took from Al-Shabaab and they always make excuses.

It's time put under scrutiny and let's really evaluate how much they contribute and the effectiveness in Supporting the Somali government.

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