Puntland rebuffs Villa Somalia's calls for dialogue in Garowe, suggests Mogadishu as appropriate venue

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    secular @ 2/10/2021 8:41 PM EST
Farmajo should show magnanimity by understanding the dire situation we are in and leave, after holding an
agreed upon electin/selection, hoping that some resemblance of normalcy is found for this unfortunate nation.
However, knowing the quality of the myriad of characters vying for the seat makes me nervous and anxious,
but "Hope is the last thing to die"!
PS. My hope is that neither of the two former presidents return to the Mansion on the Hill.

    secular @ 2/10/2021 7:30 PM EST
The expired administration had four whole years to hold the election, any type of election.
Farmaajo & Co. put us in our miserable situation where all kinds of hyenas and corrupt individuals
are fighting for the ownership of our souls and future.
Reasonable people find imperfect solutions when situations go out of hand, tempers flare and insurrection
and dark clouds appear over the horizons.
Bad intentions from both sides is what harms the country: mutual undermining of both the central government
and federal tribal administrations (many of them the result of hand insemination by Villa Somalia)!
Both the federal government and regional administrations failed us and are guilty as charged!
    FiqiJin @ 2/10/2021 7:39 AM EST
 Why do I have this nagging feeling that if the president proposed
a meeting held in Mogadishu in the first place, Puntland would have
also said: No, it has to be held somewhere else!

Let the record show that Somalia is being held hostage by 2 Darood
foreign agents, who are to frustrate all efforts of progress in the
country in order to destabilize it for Kenya and UAE interests!

Some Mooryaan coresidential candidates in Mogadishu also are too slow
to catchup on Puntland\Jubbaland's leadership treachery!
    amina_samajecel @ 2/10/2021 5:02 AM EST
 Farmajo wuxuu ku caqli yahay ciyaalka
uu shaqeeya ee CBB loo yaqaan mana yaqaan
indha ruux ka dhacay. Farmajo afar sannadood
ayeey Somali guud ahaan gaar ahaan shacabka reer Muqdisho
dulqaad mujiyeen ha ku geeynin gidaarka illeyn
qofka marka uu waayo meel uu ka baxo adiga ayuu kugu
soo jeedsan.

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