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    fiqicigaal @ 6/21/2013 6:58 AM EST
 ...In other words, psychopathy in maryooley is the result of Arab and African inter-marriage and that is how we got our gene messed up. Strangely enough some of us will have even their right hand cut to be accepted as Arabs, uh?
    fiqicigaal @ 6/21/2013 4:49 AM EST
 I said I blame tribalism for the terrible things that has been happening in our country for so long and I give you some provocative comment and you can have your say if you want:

Tribalism in Somalia is the incurable cancer and we need to eradicate it before it eradicates us. It has its genesis way back since the creation of this odd and strange species called maryooley and although I do not know our biological or genetic origins, I think it may be all down to African and Arab inter-marriage that may have messed up our pure African gene creating genetic disorder called psycopathy and I could argue in the light of Somali mooryaan behaviour the indiscriminate k*llings,l*oting, r*pe that has become the norm in a society that is supposedly 100% muslim, psychopathy may make uo an astounding 1 to 2 percent(not scientifically proven yet), the likes of alshabaab and their foot soldeirs and other bandits in our society who are often ruthless, callous and completely devoid of empathy who apparently imposed an incalculable toll in suffering and destruction on our while they use Islam as a tool to justify their heinous crimes and their twisted scriptures.  
    fiqicigaal @ 6/20/2013 11:00 AM EST

No way would I justify Culusow’s madness and his criminal activities in Juba land but remember Culusow is confused and indecisive in his role as a president and he had made mockery of himself so many times I don't know what to make out his chaotic and irrational approach to every sensitive and important issue that comes on the surface. I would rather blame tribalism. Lol. No, the president should take responsibility of his mistakes and change things for better and not for failure and disaster. I know it is hard for some folks to admit their mistakes but if culusow and his SFG want to survive they should come clean of their useless and dangerous plan before it is too late.
    kucadaye @ 6/20/2013 10:23 AM EST
 For the folks relying on the ‘international community’ aka IGAD aka AMISOM aka UNPOS aka Ethiopia aka Kenya to solve our 20 years old mess are hallucinating.  The ‘international community’ have their own Agenda; their strategic objective in the Horn.  This it does not necessarily mean it coincides with our dire need for genuine reconciliation, peace and stability.

Therefore, instead of asking for arms and means of destruction to solve our problem and in the process kill each other we have to seriously look for an alternative: a well-thought  HOME-MADE SOMALI SOLUTION,  where ALL the stakeholders are around the table.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 6/20/2013 9:34 AM EST

Are you telling me Culusoow is bumb? Soomaalida waxeey tiraahdaa ninkaad rabto inaad barato waxaa la fiiriyaa saaxiibadiis. So, if his friends are crooks, as you said, then he is a crook!!!....Please let us not be diplomats, a whole nation is in danger and you are making excusess for man who suppose to save it.
Call it what he is!!
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 6/20/2013 9:02 AM EST
 "I congratulate the security forces of the SNA and AMISOM who responded so quickly and recovered the situation with discipline and professionalism"

SNA??? Is that the Europian mercenaries we have seen at the ground zero. Shame Muuqdisho rules blinding their supporters with obvious misleadings.
I read yesterday the Interiour minister holding press conference and this is what he said and direct quote.
"Waxaan ku dhintay goobtaas 10 Somali ah, 4 Ajnabi ah iyo 4 Al-Shabaab ah, waaana guul dowlada u soo hoyatay",,,,,daa!! What is the victory he is talking about? Can anyone enlighten me please!!!!
    fiqicigaal @ 6/20/2013 7:36 AM EST
 Salah Aden (FB),

Your comment shows an unusual and impressive acuteness, a brilliant mind with a sense of awareness and I totally agree with you. Well said.

I do not believe that the president is a bad person probably naïve and gullible though,  but in his defence,  I think he has been misled to trust bunch of crooks he surrounded himself mostly some of his own  tribesmen and may be he is already regretting some of the decisions he made lately and he needs to amend them to gain the trust of those who felt hurt by his irrational outbursts through the media and in his contradicting speeches and his unacceptable decisions on who decides the formation of regional administrations Juba land to mention one of many. As for alshabaab, no doubt about it, we are united to fight this evil cult and we support him on that 100% and I don’t think he has anything to do with alshabaab as some of us aired just to discredit him and that is not nice.

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