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    FiqiJin @ 9/9/2014 2:13 PM EST

I am Dirr, but the the last 23 years should teach us that kind of clan politics is counterproductive. You see, I wasn't attacking your clan because of my clan or for any other reason, other than the fact that when a country is turned into a " failed state," everybody loses. What ever lead to this, was it worth it ? I don't think so. Since the previous government was ousted, Somalia has been one tragedy after another. As for Dirr and Hawiye should ally themselves against Darood, I ask 'to what end?' What you forget is that, with federalism, each community will control its local region and affairs. Nationally, there will be parties. Each party will try to represent a wide group of society. But, I will surprise you, as long as it is done in a peaceful way and through democracy, then that is acceptable. You should know, however, that alliances can shift.  
    topclan @ 9/9/2014 12:32 PM EST
 If Hawiye and Dir tag team them, Darood are finished. The thing is, Darood know this but Hawiye and Dir don't know it, yet.

Whether through democratic elections or selected MPs, the combination of Hawiye and Dir is too much for Darood. This alliance is needed to settle the country and keep it from a continuous conflicts and confrontation.
    topclan @ 9/9/2014 12:27 PM EST
 What a lot of Hawiye people haven't realised is that Hawiye has being getting the presidency recently beacuse of the support of Dir MPs. You must realise who your allies are and strengthen it in order to harness that power to do the things you want.

Hawiye and Dir have never really had a problem, at least not as much as between Darood and them.  Every Darood leader, even the quite ones like Saacid, have threatened Somaliland. The only exception I think was Farmaajo.
    topclan @ 9/9/2014 12:25 PM EST

You are making the case for Somaliland's secession but you don't really know it.

Your superior brain doesn't seem to understand or want to understand that a militia, let alone a clan militia, maybe able to destroy a state but they cannot build it.
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 9/9/2014 11:30 AM EST
 Yes, I promise to destroy Zoomalia as much as you wish on my country and people. But just don't blame the victims of a failed government.
    FiqiJin @ 9/9/2014 10:04 AM EST
 Wiil Iidoor,

Who cares about what you think. You are another traitor opportunist, who is itching to disband Somalia.
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 9/9/2014 9:58 AM EST
 A normal society would react in disgust and display empathy with victims. Instead of reading about people angry, and wanting to go and help those poor ppl selling themselves for $5 to hutus n tutsis, I keep reading about blame game on who is controlling Bantuweyne capital and who started the wars with their dream of a D empire.

My other problem is that this is not helping peace, because all it will do is radicalise the youths and create more antagonism.
    FiqiJin @ 9/9/2014 9:42 AM EST
 Nomadic Man,

Thanks for your kind words. The truth needs to be told, especially about why Somalia and Somalis are in this cursed place.  

    Nomadic Man @ 9/9/2014 2:08 AM EST
You are real wadaani....keep telling the
truth for you are wise man.
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 10:12 PM EST
 You earned to rule, when you ejected Siyad Barre out of Villa Somalia and Mogadishu. But, what did you do with it then? You did not earn to destroy Somalia and make Somalis the laughing stock of the whole world. You keep diverting our attention to these foreign troop. Whay are they there in the first place? Dumbass!!!!  
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 9:59 PM EST

I am not bashing. I am angry and extremely disappointed with this clan, generally speaking. Once, long time ago, I had heroes like General Daud and president Aden Adde, among other first class Somalis from this clan. Then came the monkey brained General Aideed and stupid warlord who turned a nation into a gang turf!  
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 9:41 PM EST

I am not looking to rule, nor do I care for a clan, including mine. Go and F Dirr, my clan for all I care. I care about the flag and Somalia sovereignty. It was your stupid clan who chose to be rather clannish, who could not rule after the old man run for his life. Do not defend your stupid clan for their inability to govern.
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 9/8/2014 5:04 PM EST
 I am sure the president "Nikulus Keey" will punish them for their crimes. That is because the Zoomalia men cannot even save their own own behind from the hutus and tutsis now working for UN.
    Nomadic Man @ 9/8/2014 3:58 PM EST
 There is Amisom troops in Kismayo and
many others in Somalia....Why is it only
happening in Mugdisho?After all some of these
women were hookers and there also Somali
men were pimping these women.
    Xidid @ 9/8/2014 2:44 PM EST


Other than bashing Hawiye, do you have any solution for the above-mentioned tragedy?!
    topclan @ 9/8/2014 2:21 PM EST

Even though the topic is about foreign troops raping Somali girls and women, finds the need to be his usual clannish self and insults a clan and blames them for this crime.

You make a good point but you know I hadn't insulted or blamed any clan I was just responding to this bigot's comments .

It makes him feel better to blame another clan for the ills of Somalia cos that it always the way for clannish people. You have to earn the right to rule, you don't just get to rule beacsue of your clan affiliation.  The lady doth protest too much me thinks.
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 12:51 PM EST

Mogadishu is the capital city of all Somalis wherever they are, and this is happening there. I would like to know, who is responsible for the last 23 years of inkaar and uqubo on Somalia and Somali people.

1. hundreds of thousands died from famine in early 90s.
2. Mogadishu destroyed
3. 1.5 million fled and forced to live in refugee camps.
4. Somalis targeted in South Africa.
5. thousands perish in the high seas.
6. Ethiopia micromanaging Somali affairs.

    sonofsomalia @ 9/8/2014 12:36 PM EST
 TopClan & Fiqi

  While you argue about Hawiye this and Darod that, our sisters, our capital, dignity and flag are being dragged through the mud. Agree with Ahmusa, who cares about this filthy 5th century concept of Qabilism. Its the worshipping of this thing that makes us the laughing stock of the world, and home to failure.  
    ahmusa @ 9/8/2014 12:24 PM EST
 somalia girls for $5, that is what you get when you don't understand the value of unity. i don't care what tribe you are, you all to be blamed for it. i swear to Allah i ma so mad, i don't know what to write, who to blame, but we should have known this was coming. this is because of our stupidity, you killed me yestarday becuse i was tribe so and so, but now you can't even defend your dignity, and where is the tribe you were fighting for, nowhere to be found.
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 12:20 PM EST

No, what I wanted was Hawiye to rule when their USC entered Villa Somalia. Did you? It turns out you do not have the brain to rule a nation.
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 12:11 PM EST

war arintu dhowr qof oo jabhad ah ka weyneed. Waa taad goboloda dhexe aad ka fiigteen, oo aad Muqdishu bililiqo u wada doonateen. Adiga nfataada ayaa ku jiray. Hawiye haduusan eed lahayn, yaa leh? Hawiye marka aan leeyahay ka ma dhigna in Hawiye oo dhan wax bi'iyey, laakin madaxdiinii sidaas by Soomali Dhibaato wayn ugu horseedeen. Hadda fiiri waxa Muqdisho dumarkeeni ku haysta. Runta sheega, oo qabiilka aad difaacaysaan iska dhaafa.
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 12:05 PM EST
 Telling the truth is not childish. Firstly, I am not Darood, although Darood has a brain to rule.
    topclan @ 9/8/2014 11:29 AM EST

The reason why we don't have what we had and we can never have it again is because of clannish people like you.

Am I to understand that what you're want is  Somali unity and not just want Darood rule? Your constant childish and clannish outburst indicate the latter.
    xidid @ 9/8/2014 11:04 AM EST
Masidan ayaa kuu dambeysay in aad qabiil dhan oo shiikh iyo shariifba leh dusha kasaarto kaligii taliye jabhado hubeysan la dagaallameen?!
Sida isku dhaanoo maslaxo katali iyo horukac.

Marnaba halasoo shirtegin in qoom dhan uu alle weyne abuuray eey ku sifeysanyihiin caqlixumo iyo maamul xumo...Xaasha taasi waaba xadgudub diimeed.

Fadlan isku day in aad wax katiraa xanuunka madasha looga hadlayo!

Billaahi caleeyk sida waad dhaamijirtay wixii kahorreeyay Jubbaland!
    sonofsomalia @ 9/8/2014 10:56 AM EST
 Only one person to blame, myself for fighting with my brother and not realizing we what will happen to both of our houses.
    kismayoman @ 9/8/2014 10:08 AM EST
 This is killing me man. Foreign troops are never going to be a solution for our country's ills. Adoomeeyda ha naga baxdo NOW. what is even more troubling is they are not going anytime soon because they are getting used to the dollars
    sacomaale @ 9/8/2014 9:48 AM EST
 Arinkani maxaa looga dhigayaa wax manta bilowday, tani way socotay ilaa iyo intii Amisom dalka timid, dowlad ku sheega Soomaaliya waa og tahay. Askarta Amisom labba arimood ayay Soomaaliya u yimaadaan, ta hore waa in ay lacagta dollarka qaataan oo guri wayn ka dhistaan dalka ay ka soo jeedaan, ta labbaad waa in ay gabdhaheena masaakiinta ee aanay cidina u maqnayn ay ku fuul fuulaan Muqdisho. Cuqubaddan oo kale waa waxa Soomaaliya uga bixi laadahay dhibaatada ay ku jirto.
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 9:46 AM EST
 Mohammed Siyad baan meesha ka cayrin, laakin ma dhaqaajinkaro maamul. Maya, iska daa in aan wax maamulee, waan bililiqaysan. Madaafiic baan la dhici Muqdisho. 20 sanno wax mamaamuli karro, mana ogoli in qof kale maamulo. Wax ka liq, waa kaase!
    Zami @ 9/8/2014 9:34 AM EST
 They need to leave Somalia ASAP. I'm personally labelling any countries soldiers who engaged in this disguising act the enemy. Burundian soldiers are now the enemy and must be killed by stealth. We continue rebuilding the SNA, when we are fully rebuilt we go to Burundi and take out military installations. We do this with special forces. To do this to our women is an act of war. Somalia and Burundi are at war. We will not announce it publicly but will respond targeting the Burundian Army in clandestine operations. The same for any other country that engaged in this evil against our women.
    FiqiJin @ 9/8/2014 9:13 AM EST
 @ Dr. Aakhir,

You should blame Hawiye for their Qaran Dumis, that is why we are where we are.
    Dr Cabdi Aakhir @ 9/8/2014 7:24 AM EST
 Soomaliyeey ka kaca fadhiga oo u istaaga in aad
dulmiga iyo xadgudubka iska tuurtaan, waxaan dhawaan ka soo
laabtay socdaal aan muqdisho ku tagay waxyaalihii aan soo
arkay midan dhacday ayaa ugu yarayd, dalkii iyo dadkii
waa la qaatay waxaana lagu xalaalaystay
magaca dawlad aan jirin iyo maamul goboleedyo ku
dhisan qabiil. ilayn qabiil qaran ma noqdo qaran ayaana
sharaf ku lee dahay.

Ka kaca hurdada, u istaaga diintiina, dadkiina iyo
dalkiina. Alaahu Akbar, Alaahu Akbar. bari wixii
loo gaaro waa in aan isku waraysano
xeryaha ay dagan yihiin dugaagu.

Dr Cabdi Aakhiro
    Frank white @ 9/8/2014 6:45 AM EST
 I can't even think clear enough to write that's how angry I am

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