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    Somalipeople1 @ 8/15/2019 2:29 PM EST
 Ahmed Madobe is backed by Kenya. The same country that wants to take our sea.
And they want to control Kismayo. If you are really a patriot you wouldnt support it. These
so called traitor xildhibaans and ahmed madobe have to go to jail. We are slowly standing on out feet now.
We dont want qabiil or foreign interest supporters. Tour either with the progress or otherwise get out of the way.
Farmaajo and Kheyre are by far the best leaders till now. Inshallah khayr!
    FiqiJin @ 8/15/2019 1:46 PM EST
 Xoolo Nijaas,

I am very impressed how shameless you can be by showing
your ugly face in this forum so soon; that is after the
decimation of your terror group Shabab had suffered yesterday!
I thought you would be mourning in shame for a while! But I see
you are at least wearing"Sahaydii Cadayd!"

100s of Shabab dead; their bodies still being collected for
disposal! Your Sh*t Kaba Kutukade Amir possibly being one of
the dead!

Shabab will be hunted to every hole and smoked out of there,
until they are dead or surrendered! No mercy for the merciless!
    amina_samajecel @ 8/15/2019 10:59 AM EST
 Puntland dorasho xor iyo xalaal ah
ayaa ka dhacday oo Somali iyo ajnabi
aay marqaati ka ahaayeen. Waxaa xaqiiqo
ah in haddii aysan dowladdi Cabdiweli
Gaas Villa Somalia ka horjoogsan inaay
maamusho doorashada dhibki ka dhacay
Baydhabo ayaa ka dhici lahaa.

Sidaas darteed Jubbaland go'aankeda waa
sax, waxaan nolol xumo iyo nabad la'aan
iyo madax midiidin/maqaarsaar ah lagama
dhaxli lahayn.
    amina_samajecel @ 8/15/2019 10:39 AM EST
 Wiil Waal
Or Wiil waalan as someone who is in a
sound mind would not blindly support
a government that handed over a patriot Qalbidhagax
to Ethiopia and is using the enemy to destroy the
Federal States to annex the whole country
to Ethiopia.

Naive Farmajo and Khayrlawe instead of
using our meagre resources to hire lawyers
and defend our maritime boundaries is
wasting to destroy what Somalis have
been re-building from 2000 till February

In my opinion, Farmajo and Khayrlawe are the
worst president and prime minister that
Somalia ever had.

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