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    Topclan @ 5/8/2016 8:35 AM EST
Listen to what he said a few months ago. Ceebay tacaal.


This moryaan did exactly what he said he wasn't going to do because he wasn't authorised by the constitution. How can he continue in the face of such evidence and his own words?

What I want to know is where are the defenders of the constitution?

In Somalia, there are the defenders of personal interests, those given government posts or bought off, defenders of the status quo because they don't want an independent Somali state, Somali leaders and IC predators and defenders of the clan, those who will back a leaders from their clan no matter what.

It's very difficult if not impossible to find defenders of the constitution in these three groups.

If you are not part of these three groups, you must defend the constitution. Because if you don't, you are abandoning Somalia at their mercy.

The media's job isn't only to inform and educate the public, but Also as citizens to defend the constitution and the national interest

I don't believe HOL has Adequately informed and educated the Somali public this issue and the coming national s/election, let alone defending the constitution and the national interest.

Somali media is selling Somali public short.

What helps Corrupt Somali leaders is the failure by Somali media to inform and educate the public.

Let me you give an example of how HOL failed: they regularly present government agenda without telling us what it means and how it could affects us.

Don't just feed us government news like a government mouth-pie-ce, tell us what they mean.

HOL hasn't informed us of remarks the president made about dismissal of members of the judiciary and other relevant information.

HOL has not educated the public about the constitutionality of the SFG actions, in particular president's recent action and the agreement by NLF on national s/election plan.

For leaders to be held accountable and for democracy to prosper, it is essential the media plays its role by not only informing and educating the public but also defending the constitution and the national interest.
    Topclan @ 5/8/2016 8:18 AM EST
 Ahmed Cirfiiid

Listen to what he said a few months ago. Ceebay tacaal.


This moryaan did exactly what he said he wasn't going to do because he wasn't authorised by the constitution. How can he continue in the face of such evidence and his own words?
    Topclan @ 5/8/2016 8:18 AM EST
 Ahmed Cirfiiid

Listen to what he said a few months ago. Ceebay tacaal.


This moryaan did exactly what he said he wasn't going to do because he wasn't authorised by the constitution. How can he continue in the face of such evidence and his own words?
    Topclan @ 5/7/2016 5:26 PM EST
 Article 106. judicial Independence

* The judiciary is independent of the legislative and executive branches of government whilst fulfilling its judicial functions. Members of the judiciary shall be subject only to the law. 

Article 109A. The Judiciary service commission
(6) A

In accordance with law and regulation, the Judicial Service Commission shall do the following:

* Appoint, discipline and transfer any member of the judiciary at the Federal level  

Now we know why the SFG failed to form the constitutional court and the judicial service commission, so could bend the law to his will.
    Topclan @ 5/7/2016 2:53 PM EST
 The president said he took the decision to remove Ilka Hanaf of his duties due to his age and claims of corruption.

I don't understand how his age has suddenly become an issue when he was already well over the age limit when the current president was s/elected.

The president claims he acted to stop corruption in judiciary, but he has created an even bigger issue.

Corruption is an ethical issue while the president's action is a constitutional issue, which is far worse.

This is a much bigger problem, because the president broke the law and usurped the power of judiciary in order to, he claims, remove a corrupt official.

Who believes corruption will no longer be a problem because of this replacement? Did the previous replacements bring any improvements of the corruption in government?

What ever improvements this replacement is going to bring is not worth having the president usurp the powers of the judiciary just like he has usurped the powers of the executive and the polluting of parliament with his bribery.

This act by Hassan Sheikh seems like dictatorial, but I wouldn't quite call that because he doesn't have the military power to enforce i.  

No, this is not like Barre; this is typical warlord and moryaan behaviour.

Hassan Sheikh believes he can silence and compliance with money and government posts.

The so called judicial service commission, the Attorney general and the mayor of Mogadishu have surprisingly backed the removal of the Supreme Court judge. It has nothing to do with the fact they were all appointed by the president and are allies of the president.

Ilka Hanaf has apparently accepted his removal after talks with the president. what did they talk about and what made him change his mind in 24 hours ?

I might be able to accept corruption, because it exist even advanced democracies as it it relies a lot on personal ethics which is very difficult to control, but to throw out the constitution is to break down the state.

The constitution is the foundation of a state and without it everything collapses.

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