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    horyaal2012 @ 5/15/2012 6:45 PM EST
 Massha Allah! Waa war wanaagsan.

Waxa halka ka muuqata sida dadka qaarkood ay qorayaan faham la'aan weyn. Hadaba waa sidan sida Puntland iyo Shirkadaha shidaalka ay heshiis ku galeen:

2005kii Range ayaa iibsatay 50.1% xuquuqda shidaal iyo macdin baarista Puntland.
Heshiiskii 2005 waalaga laabtay, marka:... 2006kii Range ayaa iibsatay 49.9% xuruuqda shidaal iyo macdin baarista Puntland, Somalida a...ma Puntlandna waxa ay leeyihiin 50.1% oo (majority share ah) ama saamiga badan.
Hadaba numbarada kor kuqoran ee dadka qaarkiis ku wareereen waa sida:

Shirkada Range ayaa saamigeedii ahaa 49.9% ka'iibisay 80% shikada layiraa African oil. Red Emperor ayaa sidoo kale 20% kasii iibsatay samigii shikaga African oil ee 80% ahaa. (Source: http://www.rangeresources.com.au/operations/puntland/)

Hadaba waa in sidaas loo fahmaa, Marka shidaal qodidaan hadba waxa ay noqonaysaa sida aan Soomaali hadaan nahay kadhigano. Shikadaha baarayaha iyo saamileydiisa qatar weyn ayay qaateen in ay meesha wax ka baraan. Marka aanu rajeyno haddii Alle idmo in ay inoo noqoto dhamaanteen Somali oo dhan tii aanu horumar kusameyn lahayn.
    sonofsomalia @ 5/15/2012 3:07 PM EST

Soomaalinimo been ah maxaa la isku maaweeliyay,

You are right, is hard to change a traitor into nationalist. Once one is born a traitor, he will think, talk and walk like a traitor.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 5/15/2012 12:55 PM EST
 Waa nala dhacayeey, wax baa naga maqaneey, dad baa riyo nagu xukumooy, sheeydaamaa xalay i afduubtayeey.
Faqri, gaajo iyo holac baad ku jirteen 21 sano, hadii aad 1% faa'iido ah heshaan maxaa idika maqan. Soomaalinimo been ah maxaa la isku maaweeliyay.
Walee hadaan chance u helo ebay aan shareka aan Soomaaliya ku leeyahay dhigi lahaa. Wax gatana ma weynaayi, xasuusnoow in Dayaxa boosas laga iibsaday!!!!
Calaacalka joojiya!!!
    Somalia Sold @ 5/15/2012 12:51 PM EST
 "Great news for "Puntland State of Ethiopia", perhaps they can share this oil with their sister vasal states, "Somaliland State Republic of Ethiopia" and "Middle Shabelle State of Ethiopia". In the south "Jubba State of Kenya" and "Bay Republic of Ethiopia" is working fast for oil discovery. Mogadishu State of AU will begin oil exploration today."
Very funy, but it shall be the truth.
    Somalia Sold @ 5/15/2012 12:42 PM EST
 The Fact is, this Oil does not belong to Punland nor The Somali people any more. These Oil companies bought the country's natural resources with only 10 million dollars from Abdulaahi Yusuf When he was president at the TFG and Adde Muse when he was president for Puntland in which both of them signed the deal in 2006.
In other words, Abdullahi Yusuf and Adde Muse have sold only $10 million to an OIL profit equvilant to 1 Trillion dollars plus 200 Billion dollars of minirals and natural resources such as Uranium, zick, Silver, Iron, Gold, and other valuable resources in the Region especially the Galagala Montains.



    jamac12 @ 5/15/2012 12:37 PM EST
 Alxamdullilaah first of all, secondly I think today is historic day, it is the first day a Somali oil brought to surface of the earth and I hope from Allah almighty to make it a source of stability and prosperity to the all Somalians wherever they are.
    sonofsomalia @ 5/15/2012 12:29 PM EST
 Great news for "Puntland State of Ethiopia", perhaps they can share this oil with their sister vasal states, "Somaliland State Republic of Ethiopia" and "Middle Shabelle State of Ethiopia". In the south "Jubba State of Kenya" and "Bay Republic of Ethiopia" is working fast for oil discovery. Mogadishu State of AU will begin oil exploration today.    
    Caato_Xoogleh @ 5/15/2012 10:42 AM EST
 this is a good news. no matter what happens Puntland will either share profit from the oil with the rest of somalia if the rest of the somalia know what is good for them. if they claim to own some of that oil and try to use force what ever else they can. they will be cut off and no dollar will be share with them.
    Mahare_Is_Here @ 5/15/2012 6:49 AM EST
 Far hadaan la isgalin wareer beey leedahay. 60 + 20 + 20 is 100, doodi ka dhamaan weysay?
Iqra idi0ts. Horn Petrolium is the company created by African Oil to take the risk. So African Oil owns 60 of Horn, 20% of Horn belongs to Red Emperor and Range Resources %20.
That is that meaning of the 100% that is confusing you guys. They are not talking about the production fase. It may happen at that stage Horn will sell the 100% or some rights to another company like BP!!
    mysomalia @ 5/15/2012 6:30 AM EST
 Hasnt somali gov any say about this? Can foreign firms
just come the country and start drilling with out national
enery policy from the gov? Iam surprised that this group
gets 60% and 20 + 20 % for others which is 100% so what is
for us somalis? But luckly both oil sites are either in
Sool or Sanaag and Faroole has nothing to say about that.

Now we need Atom to do what is good at.
    Mo5 @ 5/15/2012 12:37 AM EST
 The Nugaal Valley block is in Khaatumo State and Faruure Foolxumo or Horn cable Petrolium can come there.
The largest oil is in SSC regions but who can go there?
    sacid @ 5/14/2012 11:09 PM EST
 Waxaan umalaynayaa Farole iyo inta lashaqaysa galaska
Xisaabta ayay ku dhaceen, Waxaan umalaynayay waxaan
sheeko layska abuuray inay tahay, so i check there websites
and it states that Horn Petroleum Cooperation has 60%
here is there website if you don't believe it http://www.hornpetroleum.com/s/Home.asp
which they state the facts, siddoo kale companinyada kale
waxay kuleeyahiin 20% iyo 20% which adds up to another 40%
this shows you that Farole and his coons where paid off
as all dictators are, They don't give a rats ass about
there people as long as they're bank account is good!
Farole sxb xisabtii waad kudhactay 60+20+20=100
    Sharif_503 @ 5/14/2012 11:06 PM EST
 Somalida lamid mahan Chad and ginea. We are just different.
    kucadaye @ 5/14/2012 11:00 PM EST
Fiiqoow runta ayu sheegay.  Ball dibb u eeg wadamada u soo tiriyey oo Budhcad-berri gu bililiqaysteen oo daaqe iyo degaankoodii baabiyeen; shacab weynihii-na ay gaajo u bakhtiyaan.
Ma kula tahay Faroole iyo kooxdiisu inay la socdaan taarikhda budhcadan
    sharif_503 @ 5/14/2012 10:44 PM EST
 Fiiqoow, xisaabta waa kaa qaldan tahay.
    Fiiqoow @ 5/14/2012 9:47 PM EST
 Inaa Illaahi wa inaa raajacuun.War bal eega:
Horn Petroleum has 60%, and Red Emperor and Range Resources each hold a 20-percent interest.
100% gaalo ayaa gaadatay markaas ayaa Soomaalida wax ma garatada ah leedahay Maa shaa'a Allah iyagoo ku faraxsan.

War nimankaan horey ayay Laatiin America iyo Africa u soo boobeen, dabadhilifyo illaaliya uun bay mushaar yar u qoraan, ciddii isku dayda in ay ka hortimaadana kuwaas calooshood u shaqeystayaashaa ayaa lagu diraa madaxa ayaana laga jebiya. Wadamadii ay horey u qabsadeen sida Chad, Nigeria, Ginea, camoroon iyo Mexico, dadkooda waa ka baahanyihiin, deegaankoodiina waa la baaba'iyay.
Marka kan ilmaheena oo xor ah, hala soo baxaan haddana cagta lageliyo.

    shafi001 @ 5/14/2012 7:26 PM EST
 On one hand this is a great news for somali pple who have suffered a lot due in part to their country's lack of resources, but on the other hand this may come with a downside as the stakes go higher in our country,the cruel foreign greedy corporations are going to compete for taking over our apostate politicians' minds, and once that is achieved, they 'r the once gonna rule our country, and our poor people'living standard will remain as dire. Moreover the foreign coutries' stranglehold on somalia's politicians is even gonna be stronger. Now all these things combined ,don't bode well with our future.
    sharif_503 @ 5/14/2012 7:06 PM EST
 For so long we had no good news from somalia so this is welcome good news.
    DUUNI AXMED @ 5/14/2012 5:44 PM EST

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