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    Zami @ 9/22/2014 1:53 PM EST
 Have you noticed the Arab world is collapsing? All Arab countries are experiencing difficulties. Syria and Iraq have a terrorism problem. Saudi Arabia is running out of oil, they pump 12 million barrels of oil PER DAY! Qatar and Kuwait have many radiclized youth fighting abroad who will eventually come back. So it seems to me the tables are about to turn in Somalias' favor. While we are emerging from decades of destruction, we are unified in our goal. That goal being the rebuilding of our country. Other muslim countries are starting they're decent into chaos now. They will feel what Somalis' felt.
    Caato_Xoogleh @ 9/22/2014 11:47 AM EST
 This needs to stop and people need to be informed about real danger of taking this types of journeys. Europe is worth your life, and those who made to Europe and suffering the same kind if not worst suffering than they run from. PEOPLE DONT GAMBLE WITH YOU LIFE. IT IS NOT WORTH IT.

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