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    wiifgarow @ 6/15/2015 10:28 AM EST
 This whole business misses the core and the crux of the problem: thwe whole project is illigitimate, unjust, unfair and will ultimately lead to more strive and warfare. The idea that the immigrant Darood clans who hail from Bosaso and Qabri Daharre can invade, uproot and dominate the indigenous people and this done with the support of Kenya, Ethiopia, the UN and their CIA and western backers is perhaps one of the most unjust single acts in the whole of the Somali apocalypse. This si epitomised by the fact that even the so-called 'President' is actually an Ethiopian-born immigrant. where is the justice in that?
    topclan @ 6/12/2015 6:20 PM EST

I know there is lot of things the FP hasn't done but at least they haven't burn the house.

We have three Somali groups competing to shape Vision 2016, SFG, regional and Federal Parliament.

As we have already seen, there have been two conferences attended by SFG and regional and they want to hijack Vision 2016.

This is a red line, we don't want anymore a few leaders claiming to represent the Somalia by hijacking the public's right to shape their future.

What we need in Somalia is constitutional legitimacy so that big decisions are based on agreed principles and consent.
    sonofsomalia @ 6/12/2015 4:51 PM EST

 The FP putting forth this motion now is like painting a burning house. If they were genuine they would have stopped this Kenyan project long before it even took foothold. My opinion too late and useless. They could have done any of the below.

1) Pass motion ejecting Kenyan Defense Forces from Somali soil.
2) Pass motion calling for the arrest of that puppet Madobe when he was riding kenyan tanks.
3) Pass motion nullifying the Ethiopia orcastrated agreement between Qoslaye and Madobe.
4) Pass motion calling for the arrest of Madobe for killing and displacing Somali citizens in Kismayo.
5) Pass motion directing the government of Somalia to send the few SNA soldiers in stopping the charcoal export.

 As for FP motives, for this motion I will leave that to you. As for the separatist, have no worry, they do not need help in embarrassing themselves.
    topclan @ 6/12/2015 3:57 PM EST

Would you care to explain how my supporting of this motion is tribalism?

Do you agree as some have claimed that this motion was driven by tribalism?

I didn't think you would support claims made separatist wannabes when, in fact, they are clan enclaves.

There is a need for consensus and that is why parliament is better because it will have a greater consensus than a few guys in the pocket of Ethiopia and Kenya making the decisions that will shape our future.

I supporting the federal institutions in particular parliament to carry out the work to achieve Vision 2016.
    topclan @ 6/12/2015 3:42 PM EST

"This parliament should refrain from dictating to regions which are equal to it--if not superior."

Applying the law is not dictating, I don't what you supporters of warlords and spoilers are talking about.

It is not about enforcing laws, it is about being accountable.

It is absurd to say that FMS are superior to Federal parliament when FP is constituted with forming the FMS.

You know that they didn't just assign themselves the name and thought it gives them power.

This is the kind of ridiculous claims that some people think is a valid argument.

The policy of clannish who support the warlords and spoilers is, if you can't your way just discredit the government.

How many conferences and how much time, money and energy did it take to  build this government? Now some people want throw it all under the bus at the first challenge to their clan interests.

De jure law gives states the power to make decision over any part of its territory even if it currently doesn't control that territory.

Unless you are claiming IJA is a de facto state, otherwise it is nonsense.

Somaliland is a de facto state but the SFG still has the legal powers to make decisions concerning them.

IJA or Jubbaland are clearly part of the Federal government so saying SFG doesn't have jurisdiction in that territory is quite absurd.

You separatist wannabes are really confused about whether you want to be part of Somalia or be a separate entity.
    sonofsomalia @ 6/12/2015 1:37 PM EST

  "equal to it--if not superior" , in your dreams.
    abdi mashkuur @ 6/12/2015 1:09 PM EST
 Watch the space! only 14 days left. SYL would be proud that day.
    FiqiJin @ 6/12/2015 12:36 PM EST
 Shouldn't one pass laws where one can enforce such laws?  
    FiqiJin @ 6/12/2015 12:34 PM EST
 This parliament should refrain from dictating to regions which are equal to it--if not superior.  Simply because it has the name Somali Federal Parliament does not mean it represents Somali people; it does not. And since the country is trying pull together, an illegitimate body such as this parliament should not act beyond its jurisdiction at this point, or it could plunge the country back into a conflict. Should one pass laws where one can enforce such laws?  
    sonofsomalia @ 6/11/2015 10:03 PM EST
 In Somalia when something is peculiar, one needs look at the lowest denominator.
    sonofsomalia @ 6/11/2015 9:59 PM EST

   Although I tend to agree with you on most topics, I find your unquestional support of this motion a bit peculiar. Whats more peculiar is the legitimacy and authority you are showering on this useless, unelected, for sale parliament. If they were genuine, they could have denounced this puppet Madobe and his ex shabab militian the moment they marched into Kismayo behind the Kenyan waste truck or when Hassan Qoslaye flew to Adis to spit on Somali nation by signing contract on Gabres direction.
    topclan @ 6/11/2015 6:33 PM EST
 Internally, there are three Somali groups who are leading the race to shape Somalia in Vision 2016: SFG, the Federal Parliament and regional leaders.

Whilst each one of them has their shortcomings, the Federal Parliament stands out as the best option.

Read this: http://markacadeey.com/2015/06/gurmad-a-new-2016-political-agenda-for-somalia/
    topclan @ 6/11/2015 5:11 PM EST

If you're claiming to know more than we know, why don't you share it with us?

We know that Shariif Sakiin has publicly supported the motion against IJA because he claims Ahmed Madoobe

broke a promise he made to him about the formation of IJA parliament but we don't know how many MPs supported the motion because of this.

We know Sakiin is the king of pimping MPs but it is an exergeration to say he controls a lot of them. Damul Jadid and Ahmed Madoobe are more loaded than Sakiin and they could easily have bought them off if they could.

I know you like to criticise the FP, but what ever you accuse of MPs I can give you Somali leaders both national and regional leaders who have done worse.
    rasimaal @ 6/11/2015 4:33 PM EST
 Let's be blunt what happened at the parliament was a show that was sponsored by shariif sakiin against another puppet,don't start telling me the "mps"have legitimacy.
    topclan @ 6/11/2015 4:29 PM EST

I was not debating you so much as I was commenting on the articles, you singled me out as a liar but I responded without resorting to personal attacks or casting doubts on you honesty and tried as best as I can to explain to you what my position is but you still don't get it.

You say you are not interested in debating me unless I'm honest. Well, I am not interesting in debating someone who calls me a liar.

That was an un-gentlemanly conduct. Goodnight, sir!
    rasimaal @ 6/11/2015 4:14 PM EST
 Watch the video of the motion and read between the lines,if you don't see what is wrong with it you are either dumb or blocking the truth when it fits you.if we want Somalis to move forward we have to stop the culture of warlordism.try to understand why are these "mps" so motivated about some motions and not care about the passing of important bills that could help the country move forward.
    rasimaal @ 6/11/2015 4:05 PM EST
 Topclan if you wanna have  honest debate am in ,or else lets not waste our time.
    topclan @ 6/11/2015 3:27 PM EST

So who are they building the institutions for then?

It is the job of government to make laws that govern the whole country not just the capital city, the laws of the land cover the whole land, you know.

The federal parliament didn't make new law, it was simple correcting the illegal action by IJA.

If laws that govern the new administrations aren't created there will be many, as there is no, such as acting like an independent entity by cutting off ties with the SFG, inviting foreign enitites without the knowledge of the SFG, and any local representaion which can create grievances if not handled properly as well as conflict between Federal Member States and SFG, and between the FMS.

"The Somali government is only on paper at this point."

Which is the way some people want to keep things.

The government has to assert its authority if it wants things to change and be legitimate.

The author of this article and I are of the same opinion.
    topclan @ 6/11/2015 3:18 PM EST

Defending the federal parliament's motion against IJA parliament?

Of course I will defend them.

I will defend because they have constitutional legitimacy.

Is parliament legitimate? yes. Is the motion legitimate? Yes. What more do you people want?

I support the motion for three reasons: It corrects the unconstitutional formation of IJA parliament, it highlights the greivances of people in Jubbaland, and the reaction to the FP decision by the separatist wannabes to cut off ties with the SFG.

If two guys fight in the Mosque, is it right to say the Mosque is bad/xaaraan?
    topclan @ 6/11/2015 3:09 PM EST

You are one of those people who attacks someone for doing the right thing just because they didn't before.

MPs are corrupt? No, the freaking the system is corrupt!

Look, we all know that the FP MPs have not always behaved in the correct way and neither have any our other leaders, but you have to take action and every motion individually and as a separate.

Even the most corrupt people can sometimes do the right thing and we should support their action when they do the right thing without forgetting their past errors.

We need to continue to remind them of their duties and responsibilities and demand that they complete all the relevant institutions and laws all as well as correcting illegal actions and holding government accountable.

There is no reason why is there so much uproar about this motion.

It's not a big deal really, The government takes the role it was supposed to take before which is to make sure the process is legal, fair and inclusive.

Some don't understand the concept of law, they are used to a lawless and warlord behaviour.
    sonofsomalia @ 6/11/2015 10:51 AM EST

  No one is defending the MPs, except maybe TopClan, who thinks they are legitimate. If they are a major part of the Somali disease that is stopping the Somali state from coming back to life. This is when you get from unelected clowns who owe their seat to money and tribal affiliation. There are good MPs among the 275, but we are talking about less than 10%.
    maxaaigagalay @ 6/11/2015 5:33 AM EST
 Ma jirto cid burrin karta go'aan barlamaan! Waa qolof geed ka
dhacday.  Runta iyo xaqa iimaansada, kuwiinaas Kenyaanka
u basaasa.
Muranka iska daaya ee ka fekera meeshii aad geli laheydeen
marka ay Kenya la baxdo ciidankeeda.
Yuusan idinka tegin kaaraha Kenya adinkoo hurdaaya. Xarig lugta
isaga xira oo isku dabra kaaraha. Si aadan uga harina.
Jawaasiisyahay khaainul waddanka ah!
    rasimaal @ 6/11/2015 2:05 AM EST
 we need the boundaries and federalization commission,the constitutional court,and truth and reconciliation commission to say the least and all they care is two warlords who want to settle some old clannish scores.why are we not asking ourselves are these not the same Mps who kicked out the prime ministers without giving them chance ?Somalis are dying on the seas and refugee camps and all they could come up with  helping one puppet mess up with other puppet.
    rasimaal @ 6/11/2015 1:52 AM EST
 most Somalis have selective amnesia when it comes to politics or the they tend to block the truth when it serves the interest of their clan,nobody remembers when these warlords turned mps passed important bills ,Somalis need real leaders not these bunch of illiterate human juke boxes.they should do something important for mandeeq like passing the bill for the contitutional court.
    rasimaal @ 6/11/2015 1:45 AM EST
 these parliament have no credibility cause we all know they are bunch of thugs with motions for sale,look what is happening to Somalis from galgaduud to gedo they don't care about that,they have couple dozen of important bills pending they don't wanna debate about cause nobody is bribing them to do so,all they care about is being paid for motions,if tomorrow madoobe pays them they will attack shariif sakiin
    FiqiJin @ 6/11/2015 12:21 AM EST
 Motions from this parliament were confined to installing or bringing down the federal government in Mogadishu. This attempt to so hastily legislate on regions is new and is littered with a minefield, because this federal government has no physical jurisdictions not even in Mogadishu. This is an overreach with real damaging consequences. Mogadishu will do well to confine its deliberation on building government institution, and not legislating on regions. The Somali government is only on paper at this point. Please try not act more than you are at this moment. Stupidity, I am afraid, may very well push Somalia into a renewed conflict!    

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