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    fiqicigaal @ 3/31/2013 5:24 PM EST
 baghdad bob,
You are not in my class and I have no time for your negative bullish*t, I will respond to you when you are able to present meaningful conversation that can lead to adult discussion.


Ogadens may be one of the largest tribes in Somali tribal structure but the success you mentioned is not tangible and it is confined to very small areas if one tries to measure it. Most of them are nomads and the bulk of this tribe is still under occupation of Ethiopia and Kenya deprived of human rights and are not allowed to speak for themselves. There are successful business men and women in those areas under colony but does money equal happiness or freedom?
Yes, Alhamdulillah Ilaahbaa Ogaadeen badshay and they live everywhere (if I may use your words) but they live as individuals, families, and not as a tribe and as you well know the relationship which binds the family is that which binds the tribe the nation and the world. However, it weakens with the increase in number and that is why Ogadens are divided and not united even if they have the strongest feeling and longing for unity of the big tribe. It won’t happen, and we don’t want tribe domination that will only lead to anarchy and violence.

I do agree with you that people from different parts of the country can have different accent and it is all down to the accent which we first learn as children from our parents and families which becomes embedded in each of us and is always detectable in the way we say certain words although we may have moved to another part of the Somalia or even a new country as we grow up. In this case, let Agah! Stay where it is mainly practiced even if its people moved to Bakaaraha or Buula guduud.

Aha, you see when you wrote, ‘Let the Ajuuraans, Jareerweyne, & Gaaljecel manage the affairs of Kismaayo’, I thought has he/she gone mad? And why we allow certain tribes to dominate others and rule the region? No. That is not fair and we don’t want to take that path, instead we will form an administration that is inclusive, just and fair and I hope in the end we will all live in peace and harmony and the government will accept the desire of the people and act responsibly.

    baghdad bob @ 3/31/2013 11:18 AM EST

You don't see a majreteen directing ethiopian tanks to garowe because there is no need for that. The same goes for all other clans, the only time you need to do so is when you defy the natural laws of justice and you decide to occupy a city or a region that doesn't belong to you. You came dancing on top of kenyan tanks because you know the region is not inhabited by your clan and so you don't care who is killed or what is destroyed in that same region. The politics of the region is changing and your kenyan backers are fully collaborating with the government and distancing themselves from your clan militia as the case was recently when they refused to intervene as the somali army was rolling into kismayu. whether you like it or not facts will be changed on the ground and like yeey you are bound to flee just don't forget your personal effects on your way out      
    baghdad bob @ 3/31/2013 11:07 AM EST

Heed the wise words of momo, I am not as generous as momo.  
    Momo519 @ 3/30/2013 6:34 PM EST

A wise person once said sometimes your success can be your disadvantage.

Now, say Alhamdulillah Ilaahbaa Ogaadeen badshay. They live everywhere.

They live in Ethiopia, Kenya and in Somalia. Like the British in different continents with different accents, Ogaadeen in Ethiopia have different accent than  Ogaadeen in Kismaayo.

Like wise, Majeerteen in Kismayo have different accent than MJ in Qardho.

I understand the desire for Ogaadeen unity. But the reality is Raaskaambooni militia are mostly from outside of Jubada Hoose.

Ogaadeen, Mareehaan, & Majeerteen have administrations in Jigjiga, Garbahaaray, & Garoowe.

Let the Ajuuraans, Jareerweyne, & Gaaljecel manage the affairs of Kismaayo.

    fiqicigaal @ 3/30/2013 4:58 PM EST

BB kaba heyga ma gaadhi karo bal an isfaanshee waayo dhib iyo kala dhaqaaq waxaan aheyn kama taliyo waxaase ilaahey ku sahlay cid warkiisa maqleysa ama talo ka qaadaneys ayaan jirin ee heyska butuluqsado danba wuu u faranduleyn markii dhey iyo dhanaan loo kala baxo. Tan kale china uun ma ahee xataa marbuu yidhi Teywaan baan computero rakhiis ah ka keeni ileen nin waalan warkiisu waxka soo qaad male.

    Stickorcarrot @ 3/30/2013 4:43 PM EST
 Fiqi, Agah!

Mid aan kuu sheego. B.B waad ka daacad santahay.
Wadaninimo boor lagu qariyay buu la jiifiyaana banaan
kaaga dhigayaa. Markaad qofka taariikhdiisa taqaano ayaad
hadalkiisana si fiican uga jawaabi kartaa.

Ninkii Alle ka koodka ahaa muxuu yiri:

"Alle in laga barto waan hoos joogay"

B.B waan akhriyay warkiisa in igu filan. Markuu
wadani rabo inuu noqdo waa naqaan, markuu sheeko heeley
saarona waa naqaan.

Horta maxaa ku dhacay "China business"? Waxaan xusuustaa
isagoo leh China ayaan Business ka keenayaaye? Ma laga yaaba
in ninkan Doolow ka yimid inta Muqdisho bakhaar ka furtay
bakhaarkaas uu leeyahay nin Fiqi adeerkiis ah? Laakiin B.B
being him he thinks all D properties in MOg. were illegitimate!
It's not my words...his

    Stickorcarrot @ 3/30/2013 4:33 PM EST
You almost always tell us what is going behind the scene as far
as Somalia & Kenya relationship is concerned. Is uncle Ali America
feeding you national secrets or what? And yet, we have not seen your

And last time i read your comment you were warning if Kismayo people
don't follow Mogadishu orders their fate will be same as
1991-run for their lives. You also said D family is illegitimate in Souther Somalia.
You qualified that statement next time around and said Marehen is the
exception. And we all know where you stand Mogadishu and
Habargidir. Now you want A Marehan guy and Habargidir guy to come
to Kismayo and put in order! Do you see any contradictions with
your statements? And here you are preaching nationalism.
It seems patriotism is very subjective in Somalia. Anyone
can invoke even when the motive is much more sinister!
    fiqicigaal @ 3/30/2013 4:25 PM EST

On a very serious note, the land of Somalia is my land, our land. From Rasaseyr to Raskamboni. From Bali to Berbera to Bandar qaasin. From Faafaan to the lowlands of Nugaal. From the tiniest village in the North to the remotest island in the south. Every where I go,  in the cities, in the forests, in villages and in settlements, even in so called refugee camps, in farms and in buildings, in bars and in offices, in makeshift huts everywhere  I go I see my people, some of them say Agah, others say Dhaga!, some say, Ba’a!, there are those who say heey! And the ones that go like Ari Qad and so on and so fore, some are good and some are bad, but they are all my people and we look alike though we may differ in our thoughts and opinions. Now let us wave our proud blue flag and sing Soomaaliyay toosoo toosa isku tiirsada ey...............’    

Agaaaaaaaaaah!!! lol
    baghdad bob @ 3/30/2013 1:28 PM EST

I love the way you have the GPS and the Agah part together in one sentence! the signal over kismayu is quite weak and the recalculation takes for ever while fiqcigaal is panicking lol
    baghdad bob @ 3/30/2013 1:20 PM EST

Agah! don't be mad now...we are all joking about the Agah part. No one in the south ever says Agah, your lame explanation won't hold water as we all know where Agah originates and used
    secular @ 3/29/2013 9:46 PM EST
 I used to live in Mogadisho and wouldn't find my way, despite all my GPS gadgets are working well.
Both TomTom and Garmin!
    diinow @ 3/29/2013 9:06 PM EST
Habar fadhido feer lafudud. To be honest, I would rather Madobe rule the region than goen to war. He is a fellow Somali after all...
    kucadaye @ 3/29/2013 8:48 PM EST
 Check out the background of Andikarim Hussein Guled, the Interior Minister. What was he doing in Mog during the civil war?
This will give you an idea why Jubland became his priority and shadowing PM Saacid is key responsibility in SFG
    sonofsomalia @ 3/29/2013 8:34 PM EST
 Bagdad Bob, nice one with the GPS, made me laugh. I was imagining Fiqi in distress looking at his GPS and unit responding "To Kenyan tank, 600 meters turn left, recalculating agah".

Joking aside, Fiqi is becoming a man of peace, now he is more than welcome to his property at Bulo Qaran, Mogadishu.

    nomadic1 @ 3/29/2013 7:25 PM EST
 I am of the opinion that Jubbaland is too big and too important to be allowed to fail.
The federal government should explore and pursue all credible options put forward by the local people.
If the majority of the people in these regions have decided to form their own administration, the federal government should respect this decision. After all, whether we like it or not, Somalia is deeply divided. It’s naïve of the President and his Prime Minister to try to reverse the rifts and shifts of the past decades overnight.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/29/2013 7:00 PM EST
 One last thing. Most of us in the forum will see the word Agah! as an exclamation sound and  nothing more but in BB’s twisted mind he thinks that the word Agah! will make a certain tribe subject to ridicule and that will make his day , can you imagine?

    nomadic1 @ 3/29/2013 6:43 PM EST

Your creativity and ridicule is the highlight of the day.
Gedo accent, Agah and GPS had me in stitches.
Funny and clever in equal measure!
“My neighbour knows a sister who knows a man who knows a…….”
It took me ages to figure out the number of people involved in your chain of reliable sources.

    soolboy @ 3/29/2013 6:31 PM EST
 The head of Jubbaland Ahmed Modobe done excellent job welcoming the PM and his staff and later after the disagreement escorting them to the airport. And the PM did excellent job break the silence once arrived his temporary home in Mogadishu. The arguement won by people of jubbaland. Ahmed Madobe next Somalia president.
    fiqicigaal @ 3/29/2013 6:19 PM EST
 Agah!!! Is an exclamation of surprise and is a distinct sound in nomad dialect or in OG dialect to be exact. Other Somali tribes/settlements have their own exclamation words/phrases that express ones feelings of anger, surprise, happiness etc. And you don’t have to be from certain group of OG to say Ageh!. I have seen folks who were born and bred in Kismayo who  too use the same exclamation sound like those from other parts of OG settlements although you may detect a slight difference in sound like one may drag the word and go Agaaah!  Where others may shorten it like Agah! But the bottom line is Agah! Is Agah! And OG are the same wherever they reside. There is no difference between the OG from Dhagaxbur and the one in Kismayo they are all Somalis first and secondly they are OG whether we like it or not.

    Ina_muse @ 3/29/2013 6:00 PM EST
 People are only four types
1. Those who are doing "good"
2. Those who wish that they are doing good as well
3. Those who are doing "bad"
4. Those who wish doing bad as well
may allah help us to good and wish good
    baghdad bob @ 3/29/2013 5:31 PM EST

I predicted in another posting that madobe will leave and like the previous cheerleaders of the deceased ina yeey you shall return back to this forum quietly and hope for the best that no one ever recalls your days of dancing and ululating on top of kenyan tanks. It was a short lived, euphoric and intoxicating fleeting moment you experienced as you seem now somewhat disillusioned as the storm gathers pace. I understand its futile to even resist the rhythmic beats of tribal sentiments and any pretense is unwarranted once you dwell in that type of atmosphere for a while, but I sincerely hope your dancing days are done and its time for you to rejoin the somali community lol and also no need to change your name        
    baghdad bob @ 3/29/2013 5:11 PM EST

You made my day....the GPS part was funny, the funniest of all was the "Agah" thing. I suppose I shall be saying Agah every now and then.  
    baghdad bob @ 3/29/2013 5:07 PM EST
 The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood - Otto Von Bismarck. War is inevitable in kismayu and the somali government soldiers are already in place with soon expecting further reinforcement as heavy weapons are already on their way. madobe must be kicked out since he challenged the legitimacy of the somali government from the onset. Any modification or tactical surreneder at the 11th hour will by no means entertained. Facts on the ground are changing by the minute and his eventual flight is a matter of time. However, this time around the kenyans will not welcome him as the somali president has already settled the deal with his kenyan counterpart in his last visit to nairobi. The deal is sealed and what you are witnessing right now is the execution phase to empower the representatives of kismayu which were duly elected by their elders prior to the formation of the current somali government      

    dhasheegduur @ 3/29/2013 2:02 PM EST
 Xaaldu Ma fiicna; maxaa yeelay Marko wey Toostey
Ree waqooyigu wxaey dhaahaan s/lang waa dhaqaaqdey;
Haddaba xaaladu ma fiicna waxaa la yoiri duurjoog  Marabi
ma noqoto, Ina cabdule Xassana wuxuu yiri soomali walaloow
waxey ku dhaanto wayey. soo waxaan leeyahey haddii Marko Kacdey
Mooryaantii iyo Madaxweynohhoddii warbaa galey
Marka jubaland aaka  aaka
    diinow @ 3/29/2013 1:55 PM EST
 I admire and applaud the prime minister's humilty in sitting down with and talking to all Somali stakeholders but, now that Madobe decided to stick it to him, he should send Col. Hiiraale and Gen. Indhacadde next time.. They speak Madoobe's language so, might deliver some results. Mind you, I believe war could and should be avoided at all cost! Instead, the govt should communicate and apeal to the residents of the region including the Ogadens, who now see madobe as their hero, and convince them that the govt has their best interest at heart.
    Nomadic Man @ 3/29/2013 1:37 PM EST
 Mohamed Ahmed of Facebook
U right this government need to focus on making
Mugdisho a real capital city like it used be.
Step two this president should do is to order his kinsmen
to pullout of marka where they were terrorising marka citizens 4
the past two decades.He has no right to tell the people jubaland
what to do or what not to do.How come he didn't tell the people
of Hiiraan what n there is different tribes that reside there.
    momo519 @ 3/29/2013 11:47 AM EST

Balaayo ku liqdayee waxaad ii sheegtaa Ina Godane ma Hawiyaa? Fuaad Shongole ma Hawiyaa? Mukhtaar Rooboow ma Hawiyaa?

Waxaad tiri Hawiyuhu chance ay qurbaha ku yimaadaan maanay helin!

Alla hooyoy, war ma waxaad I leedahay kuwaan tirade badnaa ee aan sawiradooda ku aragnay HOL ee madaxweyne Hassan Sheekh ku soo dhaweeyay Minnesota & London waxay ahaayeen Daarood?

    dhasheegduur @ 3/29/2013 11:45 AM EST
 THIS IS really clueless   government
There is a pressing issue, which needs to put the weight of the government
Why they are so persistent the issue of kismanyo.
A-there is shabab
B- They need to set up a real mechanism of good military so they don’t have to stay under African troops
c-they need to bring the issue of restitution of properties and dialogue within the Somalis
They should forward this matter of federal system to the Somali parliament    
This is not  a government with the people but bunch of gangs
    Momo519 @ 3/29/2013 11:35 AM EST
My neighbour knows a sister who knows a man who knows a decent Darod man from Kismayo and this is how he explained this current Kismayo spectacle:

He said, "Saacid's presence in Kismayo is wrong, because it is trying to legitimize Mareehaan's Kismayo claim.
                 after all, Mareehasn's Kismayo claim dates back to Bare Hiiraale. The handful Mareehaans that live in Kismayo still have Gedo accent & some of them use GPS to get around the city.

He added, "There are Ogaadeens in Kismayo and they don't have the same accent as Madoobe's militia. Madoobe's Ogaadeen militia also use GPS to get around the city and each time they get lost they are heard screaming " Agah!"

These two outside groups are why the talks collapsed!

    Hawiye-liqe @ 3/29/2013 11:32 AM EST
 Sheex Madoobe, qaar baa leh waa World-Lord........You freaking kidding... Indha Cadi oo ah Al-Shabaab/WroldLord ayaad General ka dhigtay..... And you said Sheek Modoobe waa worldlord.  C'mon man, runta ha la isu sheeko, Hawiye waa dadka maanta ugu liita Somalia, xitaa jaanis ay qurbaha ku yimaataan maysan helin, haday Turkey $20,000 ku bixinayaa si ay Europe u galaan... Illahay cadhadiisii baa ku dhacday, waa duli
    soolboy @ 3/29/2013 11:32 AM EST
 All the heavyweight politicians who met President Hassan Sheikh and his Prime Minister, raised many questions about the rookie leadership in the federal level. These two leaders are lacking the proper way of dealing with somali people in general. If they are not stop immediately we are heading back to 1991.

negotiation collapses begin in Galmudug and Jubbaland was next and it will continue..    

If you wanna get your meat insult the fderal gevernment like Abdirahman Farole.
    Hawiye-liqe @ 3/29/2013 11:28 AM EST
 Dowladu waxay ku dhisan tahay qabil...Sharci ahaan, Sadaxda kursi ee ugu sareeyaan waa inay noqdaay sadex qof oo kala qabiila.... WHY, Cuz meesha qabiil baa wax lagu kala qayb sanayaa.... Hawiya iyagaa Xamar daga, iyagaa Ciidamo ka aha, Kuwa is qarxinayaa waa Hawiye, Kuwa Dowlada Maraykanku raadinayso ee argigixisada ah waa Hawiye, Dhaca, Kufisiga, dilka joogtada ah ee aduun waynuhu ka qayliyey Hawiye Xamar iyo Hawiye ayaa danbigiisa leh.  Ader Hawiye ayaa Nabada u baahan, cidkale uma baahna... Dhibka meeshuu ka jiraa ee Somalia 22 sano la dagi la dahay waa Xamar... Bal Xamar marka hore ka la nabadeeyo, dadka hantidooda ha loo caliyo, qaranimadii iyo dowlad nimadii hala soo caliyo...Markaasaabad hadli kartaa..
    abdisalamy @ 3/29/2013 11:09 AM EST
 Orison Swett Marden, "Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds".

    fiqicigaal @ 3/29/2013 10:43 AM EST
 The fear of God is the begining of Wisdom(FB)

'If the government wanted be part of the solution they wouldn’t send that kind of delegation, which was mukulaal madow and Ilka yar. One thing is sure war is inevitable.'

I totally agree with you except the Ilka yar word.
    abdisalamy @ 3/29/2013 10:38 AM EST
 Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.

    fiqicigaal @ 3/29/2013 10:34 AM EST

This is not about Kenya or Ethiopia it is about us maryooley and how we can eliminate this nagging problem that may lead to unnecessary conflict and bloodshed if not resolved in time. I believe it can be done. It is a question of will and if fair minds meet and reach a mutual decision which will serve in the interests of all in the region with the blessing of the government then solutions will arrive instantaneously Allah willing. I can put my hand on my heart and say if PM Saacid truly and honestly put his mind into the problem and opened himself into the principle of unbiased ness  and fairness the meetings would have led to success and unfailing. Saacid acted like a messenger not a mediator and he never offered a neutral space for negotiation. In fact he refused to accept the offer of others to reach a solution even from unexpected source, odayaasha deegaanka.

    sonofsomalia @ 3/29/2013 10:34 AM EST
 It amazes the mind, why the government is talking with the puppets, the PM should fly to Nairobi, perhaps we can reach agreement with Mr. Kenyatta. Instead of wasting time with ex shabab.
    secular @ 3/29/2013 9:24 AM EST
Something is amiss in the ways both sides are trying to solve the impasse.
Unless there is a mutual, clear, acknowledgement of the role of each side they are going to NOWHERE!
Intay xaajadu tahay " ma anaa la ii qrshaa mindiyo la igu qlandoono" is aaminaadi dhimatay.
    sonofsomalia @ 3/29/2013 8:45 AM EST
 HOL audience waiting on Fiqi the spokeperson of the kenyans to comment.
    Stickorcarrot @ 3/29/2013 8:42 AM EST
 The constitution is bogeyman here. The government is
using to achieve its goals and so is the Jubba administration.

Here is my question. Shebab is in charge 90% of the two Jubbas
and Gedo, how come they don't concentrate on security 1st?

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