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    SomaliaTOOSA @ 7/11/2012 2:48 PM EST
 " helping halt the conflict in Somalia".. No USSA you are not
helping Somalia, you are there for your own interests,
we are very aware of your dirty games. We wont be the
ones thanking you for oppressing our muslim brothers and
sisters both and kenya and else because you lie and
claim you do it for somalias benefit. These evil
white devils have no shred of humanity in
them, it is in their DNA to constantly shed innocent blood
and steal their resources and bring back that
resources which is tainted with the blood of innocent
human beings to run their countries. No wonder
America and the white worlds are falling apart as we speak.
Now, even all
the blood resources and blood money they send to the USSA
isnt helping them to stay on top.

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