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    Zami @ 10/8/2015 11:05 PM EST
 Nomadic Man & FiqiJin,

You have to read this.

    FiqiJin @ 10/8/2015 8:38 PM EST
 Mr. Muigai has noted that the referral of the dispute to ICJ by Somalia disregards the two countries’ long time warm relations and the ‘generosity’ the Kenyan government has furnished to the Somali refugees in the past 25 years."

KKK. This, to Kenya, is a payment for 25 years of hosting Somali refugees, who, by the way, have elevated the Kenyan economy for 25 years--not to mention all the billions they received
    secular @ 10/8/2015 6:16 PM EST
Cudur, Xabbad, gaajo, tahriib iyo qaxootinimo darti buu Dalkii la maran yahayoo la faaruqay.
Dhul iyo bad cidla ah ninkii beec ku helay iyo kii ka gadayba maan uga harro, inta xoogaaga ragga iyo dumarka aan weli dhalma dayn ay ka tarmayaan, mar kale?
Midda kale, sow suuq-geyntii lagama daba imanoo "Nice try thieves " iyo "Yac" lama oran?
    Nomadic Man @ 10/8/2015 5:20 PM EST

One thing i like about you is  you tell
the truth unlike these Wadaani imitators.
    rasimaal @ 10/8/2015 5:14 PM EST
 As eberland president neighboring countries are my"friends" so it's up to you guys.
    Nomadic Man @ 10/8/2015 5:13 PM EST
 If you want the names of guys that's involved,
Sheikh Sharif-President
Umar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake-P.M
Abdurahman Abdishakur Warsame-Foreign affairs and the
man that signed the M.O.U.
Prof.Ibbi, i don't what his job title was,but he's the one
that was behind all this mess.
They all should be shot on sight....but what i am against is
blaming one because of clan reason.
    rasimaal @ 10/8/2015 4:58 PM EST
 Abdishakur must be feeling happy today cause he's the one who tried to sell Somalia's sea.everything in xamar is for sale.
    Zami @ 10/8/2015 4:38 PM EST
 Nomadic Man,

Some stupid people keep blaming PM Omar when he had nothing to do with it. It is Sharif & Ibbi who are to blame.
    Nomadic Man @ 10/8/2015 4:04 PM EST

The name that signed the M.O.U is
Abdurahman Abdishakur Warsame. I don't
know why Moryaan criminals like blaming
this fat dude....why can nobody mention
Sheikh Shariif. You want to say this fat
dude sold it to Kenya when he in middle of
Hawiye leaders and in a Hawiye country(Mugdisho)???
Don't single this man alone....we must expose the greed
of Hawiye auctioneers.
    Docolka @ 10/8/2015 3:27 PM EST
 The man who signed the agreement is Omar Abdirashiid Ali sharmaarke none other than
Our prime minster.
What a shame he needs to be locked up in a cage with boris the animal.

I don't understand Somali politics they seem to be all retards or idiots from president to ministers to security personnel
    sacomaale @ 10/8/2015 1:52 PM EST
 Somalis are the worst human being on earth. The man who gave the sea to Kenya is still in power.
    Zami @ 10/8/2015 1:00 PM EST
 Look at Kenyas desperation. Pathetic. They know they will lose the case.

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