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3 comment(s)
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    al-farid @ 12/18/2012 1:18 PM EST
 Somalia need real straight leaders. The virus of tribalism stopped with full force
and all the old generation put to forced retirement and
have no say in future of the same country they broken
down into clans and regions of their own sick mentality.
The young generation has raise up, be assertive, proactive
to be in charge for their future and the future of their children. I ask politely
that any somali you see spreading the virus of "Qabiil" to
tell him fear allah and clear your heart before you meet
your creator and poison the community. I'm optimistic that
Somalia will be the best african country in the continent.
    al-farid @ 12/18/2012 1:12 PM EST
 Somalia need real straigh leaders. The viros of tribalism stopped with full force
and all the old generation put to forced retirement and
have no say in future of the same country they broken
down into clans and regions of their own sick mentality.
    sonofsomalia @ 12/18/2012 10:06 AM EST
 Unfortunately those refugees have no country to return to. Somalia is now 4 part satellite states, on part occupied capital. Its so called politician are just busy ensuring every bloody clan gets position.

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