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    fiqicigaal @ 4/12/2013 7:00 AM EST
 All those up to no good guys in the government think is about succeeding in terms of others failing. It is, if I win, you lose, or if you win, I lose and  there is only so much resources to share and if the regions get a big bite of the spaghetti  , there is less for us says the government. hahaah!!!
    fiqicigaal @ 4/12/2013 5:17 AM EST
 But what the governmnent or may I say the president and the puppet PM needs to do is  to shift to a different mindset , probably a win-win mindset which unlike their present win lose mindset will bring solutions that are mutually beneficial both to the regions and to the  government and in that case they will all have a taste of any resources and Somalia will be a different place to live in and to work in peace and tranguility
    fiqicigaal @ 4/12/2013 5:06 AM EST
 I think the government should keep its hands off the regional affairs and let the people decide who governs them otherwise  it will lead into violence and that in my view is not in anyone’s best interest.

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