Hassan Sheikh Mohamud: Fahad Yasin is destroying Somali politics

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    amina_samajecel @ 11/22/2020 3:59 PM EST
 The most corrupt, naive and useless president
Somalia ever had is Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.
Farmajo is a traitor and lost his bid for re-election
with the rendition of QALBIDHAGAX to the Tigrean regime.

The level of nepotism during his administration is the worst
that Somalia has ever seen. There are no Financial Reports
submitted to the Parliament and when the Finance committee
questioned for missing funds it was disbanded. We are
all aware of how Professor Jawari resigned, the catastrophic election
in Baidoa and Dhusamareb when innocent civilians lost their lives.
The last election was the Hirshabelle member state and the outcome
was known due to the corruption.

What Farmajo and Fahad want is MPs that they select that would
vote for Farmajo and to have a low profile paid candidate to compete
with him.

Perhaps someone like Ali Mohamed Gedi or Salad Ali Jelle
would fit that description.

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