Fighting breaks out between security forces in Northern Mogadishu

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    FiqiJin @ 4/25/2021 11:32 AM EST
 Wiil Isxaaq,

I have never agreed with you on anything ever, but I couldn't agree with you more on what you just said.
Hawiye, as you said, excels in thuggery! Now it is Farmajo, tomorrow it is between Hassan Ulusow , Sheikh
Shariif, Indhacade, Abdirahman Abdishakuur!

They are experts in looting, raping grandmothers (including their own) and occupying somebody's house. They
had never succeeded in subduing even the Rahanwayn or anyone else they faced in the 90s! And for 30 years, they
couldn't even govern one city! They are primitive!

Watch out for Turkish projects, the looting is to commence!
    Wiil Isxaaq @ 4/25/2021 9:59 AM EST
 They never engaged anybody in war except bullying and thuggery of civilians at checkpoints with guns. Now Hawiye is paying for the cowards they are made of.

What is even worse is they don't know when to disengage once the fire starts cos all cowards suffer from anxiety issues.
    amina_samajecel @ 4/25/2021 9:35 AM EST
 Rage Danan
Don't help Farmajo, he wants to cause interclan conflicts. Farmajo doesn't care about Darod. He is a warmonger and obsessed to hold on to power.

The entire world told him NO EXTENSION. He is desperate and doesn't care what happens next. For the past four years instead of implementing the Security architecture he was working on how to hold on to power for the rest of his life.

Afwerki is Farmajo's mentor. Fortunately, this is not Eritrea and he is not Afwerki.
Farmajo has only one option, address the Nation and leave the Country. There is a caretaker government and Parliament, with the Federal Member States, the civil society and other political stakeholders they can implement the 17 September agreement and hold the indirect election.

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