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    Syad_Xusen @ 5/13/2013 11:01 AM EST
 I remember reading this article on the evening standard last week here in London. But it got me so upset for the wrong reason. Although I am strongly against this barbaric practice against our young girls, who are innocent and powerless, but i cannot comprehend for the life of me how talking about this crap in London's free newspapers helps those young girls in the bushes? The cynic in me believes that this woman is motivated purely by her own self-interest self-publicity and creating a career out of this misery. Why else would she provide details of her wonderful 'charity' at the end of telling horrific story? This is a social issue and you do not solve it by throwing money at it but by organising the community. The real power lays with the grannies and she should convince those by talking to them - not an indifferent commuter reading these far remote stories in a train somewhere in London.

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