EXCLUSIVE: Elite Brit terror troops to be sent to Somalia to smash Al-Shabab and Islamic State

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    maxaaigagalay @ 10/29/2021 5:50 PM EST
 The Somalis have a saying: to false talk one listens with a false ear (Hadal been ah dheg been ah ayaa lagu dhegeystaa.)

Talk is no longer about defending Somali independence and territorial integrity against
the real enemies of Western-backed Ethiopian and Kenyan. The West wants to convince
Somalis to forget about the Ethiopian and Kenyan menace and learn to see Al-Shabaab and company as the real enemy.

Not only that, the West wants Somalis to forget about both the de-facto border between
 Somalia and Ethiopia as well as the de-facto border between Somalia and Kenya. Instead, Somalis are encouraged to worry, obsess and fight about the newly-created borders between the newly-created regional governments. See what is happening inTuykaraq.
To cap it all, the West pretends to want to fight Al-Shabaab and Daesh.

Somalis know this is not their fight.

The whole thing is make-believe virtual reality aimed at confusing and disorienting Somalis.

If The West wants to hunt with the hounds and run with the hare, that is their prerogative. But it must pay for its entertainment and experiments – however stupid. Just increase the number of Somali fighters (not soldiers) and their pay fifty-fold. Take care to arm them with hi-tech bullets that can kill only militants but are harmless against Ethiopian
 and Kenyan aggressors.

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