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    Darvesh @ 4/20/2015 10:13 AM EST
 As a fellow American with a Somali background, I am extremely proud of the Ethiopian people and its government for their great accomplishments. I mean, Ethiopia is an excellent example for all African countries. A country risen back from a huge Famine, to an economic miracle is not a magic trick...it is because the Ethiopian government had made the right decisions. Look at Somalia, a countries blessed with so much natural resources, the longest coast in the continent, but as poor and useless as ever. In the other hand, Ethiopia, a land-locked country has improved and improving every day. It really does not make any difference if one tribe is running the show or not, as long as the country is improving and the economy is growing. GREAT JOB BY OUR ETHIOPIAN BROTHERS.
    Zami @ 4/18/2015 10:44 AM EST
 Ethiopia is unsustainable. It is a form of ethnic imperialism, where one ethnic group rules over 80 different ones. The real poverty rate is 80% if you go outside of Addis Ababa. Majority of citizens live on less than two dollars a day. This whole economic growth B.S. needs to stop. TPLF removes & kills people for their farmland, & people are talking about economic growth? Totally sick & shows a lack of moral character. Development that is sustainable includes all people. What is happening in Ethiopia is a strong indicator this artificial country will collapse.
    wiifgarow @ 4/18/2015 9:02 AM EST
 "It’s no surprise that the country ranks dead last in World Bank measures of voice and accountability, political stability, and absence of violence."

Have I read that right? Really? Is it ethiopia worse than North Korea, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan?

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