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    baghdad bob @ 6/2/2012 12:08 AM EST
The population of muslims in ethiopia is around 70%....This is according to christian missionaries actively working in ethiopia
    baghdad bob @ 6/2/2012 12:00 AM EST
calm down and follow the sunnah of the prophet PBUH which is based on tolerance, respect and long term strategy.
    Fiiqoow @ 6/1/2012 9:15 PM EST
 Muslim ayaan ahaanaa gaalna hoostiis ayaan ku jiraa, sunnadaba kama mid ahan. Illaah ayaana inoo sheegay in waxa kaliya ee gaal kaaga raali noqonkaro ay tahay in aad quraafaadka uu aaminsanyahay qaadato (sida fiqigaal iyo waxa lamida). Therefore, Ethiopian muslims have two choices: be part of unbelievers or fight until you become a free muslims. Aaween kuwii culumo soomali isku sheegi jiray ee Soomaaligalbeed xiligii ugu fiicnaa ee xornimo ugu dhaweed Tikreega faraha ugu shubay. Hadda qaata Alaxbaash sifiicana u caweeya illeen mar hore ayaad diintiinii sharafta badneed gadateene.
    fiqicigaal @ 6/1/2012 6:47 PM EST
 Iam not a fan of wahabism and its harsh ways but I believe it is high time that the oppressed and marginalised muslims in Ethiopia who equate 2/3 of the population shake the soaked blanket off their shoulders and take up arms and start fighting for their rights and the rights of generations to come and stop weeping like a bullied child.

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