Ethiopia approved by Somalia to bring in khat, Kenya remains banned- airport official

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    Wiil Isxaaq @ 10/17/2020 8:53 PM EST
 When Siyad Barre banned Qaad, his regime use to let Qaad Miiroow from Kenya into Zoomalia. They just put a Bannon Hareri which is eaten mostly in Somaliland only.
People in Muqdisho including Ali Samatar were eating Miirow everyday at his house that was at Shiirkole.
This discrimination of willfully targeting certain natives is an addition of his tribal war..l
He is benefitting his fellow tribes with connections to Ethiopia while the Muqdisho tribes only have Kenya. They will lose business and that money will be used to enslave them for another 30 years.
    amina_samajecel @ 10/17/2020 5:50 PM EST
 Waa yaabka yaabkii iyo amakaag. Etobiya
ayaa saxiib ah Kenyana waa cadaw, doqonnimo
ka weyn ma arag. Labada dal  waxay ku heshiiyeen
in Somalia dowlad xoog leh noqon.
Marka xaqiiqada laga hadlo Kenya Somali badan
ayaa ku nool oo ka ganacsada, carruurtooda aay
wax ka bartaan marka waa ila doqonnimo in Kenya
la yiraahdo waa cadaw Etobiyana waa saxiib.

Qaatka in la joojiyo waa talo fiican oo dhaqaalaha,
caafimaadka iyo daryeelka qoyska u fiican. Ma arko
sabab Etobiya looga keeno. Qaatka Yurub iyo Amerika
waa mamnuuc oo waa dembi qofki lagu arko maxaa noo diiday
in aan annaga aan joojinno?

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