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    Guled Guled @ 10/16/2014 1:52 PM EST
We as Somalis have to combat this problem and to clean up Mogadishu and to get rid of crime and to be productive citizens not lazy ones which we are now and that we should be like the people in Somaliland Hargeisa who are taking care of their country and share do love peace and they are the eyes and ears of the country if they see anything out of the orindary and when something is about to happen the first people to respond and to foil the crime are the citizens not the police nor government.  The people of Mogadishu are careless about their city and that people of Hargeisa really care about the city and that they don't tolerate crime.
We as Somalis have to combat this problem and to clean up Mogadishu and to get rid of crime and to be productive citizens not lazy ones which we are now and that we should be like the people in Somaliland Hargeisa who are taking care of their country and share do love peace and they are the eyes and ears of the country if they see anything out of the orindary and when something is about to happen the first people to respond and to foil the crime are the citizens not the police nor government.  The people of Mogadishu are careless about their city and that people of Hargeisa really care about the city and that they don't tolerate crime.


    Guled Guled @ 10/16/2014 12:08 PM EST
 The people of Mogadishu are to blame for this and they are to lazy to protect each other and to fight off the enemies to work the law enforcement or the government and that they are all in on it and that they want no peace in Mogadishu.

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