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    topclan @ 11/29/2013 10:08 AM EST
 Already marginalised people could be pushed towards criminality and extremism by the banning of any drugs, it doesn't mean we shouldn't ban harmful drugs.
    topclan @ 11/29/2013 9:35 AM EST
 The Khat terrorists: MPs are claiming that banning the drug Khat will turn Somalis into extremists. What a bizare thing to say. So they are claiming Somalis will become terrorists if this drug is banned? How low can they get in doing Kenya's bidding?

"We cannot afford for those who are already marginalised to be pushed towards criminality or extremism". Already marginalised people could be pushed towards criminality and extremism by the banning of any drugs, it doesn't mean we shouldn't. Also, the US and most european countries haven't had any problems from the banning of Khat thus far.

The UK is the only major country not to have banned this drug and this is because of their close relationship with Kenya where the Khat is produced and sold in the Horn of Africa and around the world to Somalis who are the Biggest consumer and casualty of this drug. No more realpolitik and cop-out, UK government has (finally) made the right decision both morally and socially.€
    abukar60 @ 11/29/2013 9:05 AM EST
 What do you expect from a corrupted commitee chairman who has been accused all kind of illlegal activties including bribery. Let us investigate if he has been paid by Kenyan lobbiest. Check this link for information related to this guy.

    abukar60 @ 11/29/2013 9:03 AM EST
 What do you expect from a corrupted commitee chairman who has been accused al kind of illegal activties including bribery. Let us investigate if he has paid by Kenyan lobbiest. Check this link for information related to this guy.


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