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    wiifgarow @ 9/3/2017 9:33 AM EST
 WiilWaal iyo SSc

Isu jiibinta hablaheena lagu yiqiinne wa maxay ragiinan waaweyn ee leh 'haaheey' Runle'. Your feeble attempts at inter-clan goading within Somaliland is wholly unnecessary - Somalilandesr are doing that for themselves without any support from enemies thank you very much. This is where the miracle of democracy works its magic: No clan, no matter how large can muster sufficient number of votes so they have to compromise with as many other clans, subclans, hamlets and every goat, camel and cow possible. Ultimately the most genuinely popular party leader wins. Quite remarkable really
    Abdi mashkuur @ 9/2/2017 1:14 PM EST

You seem to be hell-bent to give Dr Cirro a hard time just because he invented the medicine himself ( the clannish one). I agree that he a much needed patience to even control his anger, but when it comes competence, I though he has a good level of governance, isn't that the case with his old administrative days?

Don't you wanna give him the benefit of doubt in case he turns out to be a good leader (president) before your dagger?????
    wiifgarow @ 9/2/2017 9:52 AM EST
 Nothing wrong happened here. It is nascent, vibrant democracy kicking screaming and learning. It is taking its first baby steps so there wil the odd stumble. Like Irro remaining as Speaker virtually as a warlord for nearly ten years with weak executive unable to dislidge him for fear of his subclan starting a war dance. But he will get his comeuppance: he will be rejected at the polls. Mark my words

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