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    horyaal2012 @ 5/16/2012 9:18 PM EST
 Farole and his admistration are doing a great service for Puntland
and Somalia. Puntland has declared its intentions to share the
oil proceeds with the Somali people. However, Puntland and majority of
Somalis want a federal system of government where power is distributed.
We will not support a strong central government where one
person could consolidate power to himself then could lead a dictatorship.
Here is how Puntland singned the contract with the oil companies.
2005kii Range ayaa iibsatay 50.1% xuquuqda shidaal iyo macdin baarista Puntland.
Heshiiskii 2005 waalaga laabtay, marka:... 2006kii Range ayaa iibsatay 49.9% xuruuqda shidaal iyo macdin baarista Puntland, Somalida a...ma Puntlandna waxa ay leeyihiin 50.1% oo (majority share ah) ama saamiga badan.
Hadaba numbarada kor kuqoran ee dadka qaarkiis ku wareereen waa sida:

Shirkada Range ayaa saamigeedii ahaa 49.9% ka'iibisay 80% shikada layiraa African oil. Red Emperor ayaa sidoo kale 20% kasii iibsatay samigii shikaga African oil ee 80% ahaa. (Source: http://www.rangeresources.com.au/operations/puntland/)

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