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    Yaab @ 10/10/2012 1:44 AM EST
 Al-sheydaan waxaan idin oranlahaa you are brain washed by people who tattered up their counties ha ku dayanee adoo dadkaaga iyo dalkaaga  u daneynaaya fadlan dar Ilahay kadagoo dadkaaga iyo dalkaaga hor u markooda katali dilkaan xaqdarada ah dulinimo mooye darajo awalbaanad ka heleyne.
    Mo5 @ 10/9/2012 5:54 PM EST
 Desperate or no desperate theres nothing they can reverse now. In the Somali battle ground once you lose the support of the people you also lose the war. They had a chance after the Djibouti Conference,they should have participated in the government building process once the Ethiopians were forced out of the country,instead they chose to behead the Somalis and stone our girls. Thats when they started to dig their graves. And slowly they are drifting to their death.
United Somalis can even fight the mightiest,so Shabaab cant fight the will of our people.
    somalibird @ 10/9/2012 3:47 PM EST
 to hell with alshaabaabs and all arab wanna be,s
    baghdad bob @ 10/9/2012 2:34 PM EST
 Insha Allah
    baghdad bob @ 10/9/2012 2:33 PM EST

There is a tree called Fiiqow with beautiful flowers, in the stem of this flower it has sweet nectar and as kids we use to suck the nectar before the bees do LOL....in contrast to that your intentions in somalia are a far cry from what that tree symbolizes - peace and sweetness. You are a deranged sick terrorist who should be put to sleep like an old dog with little mercy shown. You live off from subjugating old women and exporting charcoal causing desertification of our beautiful country. Your mindset is very much in line with the Mexican drug lords and with the support of the Islamic world and Africa you will be pushed out of somalia and eliminated once and for all      
    sheikh @ 10/9/2012 12:24 PM EST
 Right now all Somalis must choose between a Government or Lawless cities and religion is used as excuse.
    somaliaTOOSA @ 10/9/2012 12:21 PM EST
 You mean the USA isnt finished with Somalia. Of course they are
not, I remember how they vowaged to wage war with seven
muslims countries Somalia being one. Don't get too
comfortable Somalis the west isnt finished with our country.
    nabat-doon @ 10/9/2012 11:27 AM EST
 Alshayadiin are nothing but group of real terrosit, they are the only one who fit these words. I guess they day dreaming to come to muqdisho... Somali peace lovers will welcome any country who want cure this cancer, Alshayadiin is worse than cancer, Somali people are  sick of tried to hearing Gaalo or what they nonbelievers or invaders. Alshayadiin and thier supports are the invaders  
    Fiiqoow @ 10/9/2012 11:23 AM EST
 Bush Bob
Are you sure Al is gone? Shimbir geel fuusha (merceneries)dhulka waxba kama tari karto. Kaaro iyo baabuur qafilan ayay ku jiraan,dhulkana ma socon karaan. meel ka yar 2km ayaa Alsh ay hilib ku dubanayaan mana imaan karaan oo gaal cad ayaa dabada ka quminaa ee naf ayaa heysa.. Habeenkiina waa laga shaqeeyaa.Marka African xun haddii aad ka sugee in uu wadan kuu xoreeyo, adiguna adiga oo xashiishkaada iyo dhaladaada wato aad rabto inaad wadanka ku soo noqoto, sug illaa yowmu diinka. Daanyeeradaan la soo kiraystay in ay wadanka ku faafaan ayaa la rabaa,cid ka cabsee malahin. dhukana ninka geed hoostiis jiifsan kara ayaa iska leh.
    baghdad bob @ 10/9/2012 9:31 AM EST
 cheap propaganda! shabab thugs are gone and their world came undone. In case they decide to show and make a stand for the first time in their history its very much welcomed as these cretins will be wiped and confined to history. I doubt though...cowards never make a stand  

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