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    duuni axmed @ 5/16/2012 12:34 PM EST
Somalia is for "ONLY" Somali people.
    fiqicigaal @ 4/26/2012 3:08 PM EST

Gardiid waa Allah diid aniga iyo secular isafgaranshawaa ha joogtee dhibi nama dhextaal waana waxgarad aan aad uqiimeeyo marka ina aabow, 'there is no hard feeling on my part'.
    Stickorcarrot @ 4/26/2012 2:44 PM EST

Hadda markaad macnaysay qaar badan ayaa igu soo dhacay.
Dabcan qorista ayaa dhibaato inaga haysataa marka Soomaaliga
laga hadlayo.

Ninkii sida wacan u kala dhigi lahaa ee Secular, waa idinkii
maalintii dhoways sidii Raage ugaas shaxda isla garan waayay
markaa malaha in Ergo loo diro oo la yiraa xaajo kaa fursan
wayday bay u baahan tahay.
    fiqicigaal @ 4/26/2012 2:18 PM EST

I totally agree with you that ahlu jini wal itopiya are the worst of all ev*l doers and they have so far succeeded to mislead innocent unsuspecting know little maryooley with their name of 'ahlu suna wal jameeca' and it is a sad fact.

As for  the  mix and match Somali  words like 'kal' , 'qad' and 'ban', they are all curse words that are used in different situations with different intentions.

If  you want to curse a donkey for some reason or other like you want to move it out of the way, then you say, ‘kir’. You can also use it to a person in a despising manner. You may add another curse word, ‘kal’ to make it more strong and say , ‘kir iyo ‘kal’.

‘qad’ is another curse word   used mostly by our rear bari folks and it is a short way of saying lagu qaad. They usually add another word , ‘hus’ and say, ‘ari qad iyo ‘hus’(am not sure about ‘hus’).

The word, ‘bann’ is a different way of saying , ‘xa*r’.  One can use it when one wants to say about a person that he sh*t himself or bann ayuu ka kacay(it may not sound so exact  when interpreted directly).  

Wiseman,  I am none the wiser but  I hope I gave you some understanding of those words.
    Stickorcarrot @ 4/26/2012 8:53 AM EST
 lol @ Fiqi

Kala, Qadna, & Bana lol
Soomaali aanan aqoon baad nagu soo kordhisay.

If you ask me, Ehlu Jini Wal Xabash are far worse than
other thugs for the simple fact that they are worthless
illiterate and gullible agents of Ethiopia.

    fiqicigaal @ 4/24/2012 3:25 PM EST
  shayedaan iyo cambra faasaco maxey iska dhalaan? furuq iyo fanto

furuq iyo fantana maxey iska dhalaan? jini iyo ibliis

jini iyo ibliisna maxey iska dhalaan? kir iyo kal

kir iyo kala maxey iska dhalaan? hus iyo qadd

hus iyo qadna maxey iska dhalaan? buus iyo bann

buus iyo banna maxey iska dhalaan? habar kuuley

habar kuuleyna yaa dhalay? alu-cusamaa-bilaa-diin iyo ahlu-itoopiya wal- washeysi
    nomadic1 @ 4/23/2012 7:05 PM EST

True to the core!

Well done Dr Abbass.

    Darwish Boy1895 @ 4/22/2012 9:13 AM EST
 i mean ahlusunna is NOT a religious group,they r all reer mudug who r known to  be anti-peace
    Darwish Boy1895 @ 4/22/2012 6:26 AM EST
 yeah, i agree, both shabab n aswj r using religion for political gain. u r correct, ahlusunna is a religious group, they are walaalaha galguduud (HabarGidir & Mareexaan).They changed the uniform, Barre hiiraale also said he is part of ASWJ.
what a brilliant article...well done
    Darwish Boy1895 @ 4/22/2012 6:26 AM EST
 yeah, i agree, both shabab n aswj r using religion for political gain. u r correct, ahlusunna is a religious group, they are walaalaha galguduud (HabarGidir & Mareexaan).They changed the uniform, Barre hiiraale also said he is part of ASWJ.
what a brilliant article...well done
    diinow @ 4/21/2012 2:23 PM EST
 Dr. Abbas,
You are absolutely spot on.Shabab and ASWJ are two sides of the same coin. And the deafening silence of the Ulama is saddening as you said!

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